Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Is Shakeology a Scam?

With all kinds of weight loss trends out there... this is a legit question on everyone's mind. I've had so many people say "I'm not a shake person" or "I want to lose weight the healthy way". Well, I do too! I'm not into pills or unhealthy habits helping people drop weight way too fast! I am all about healthy ways to lose weight and keep it maintained. I don't expect to lose weight and work my butt off only to gain it all back a few months or a year later!

So, what's this Shakeology stuff? How can it work for me?

Shakeology is an ALL NATURAL shake made from whole foods, vitamins, minerals, probiotics and prebiotics, fiber, and digestive enzymes. There is not one ingredient that is artificial. It is used by many for weight loss, BUT this is also used as a healthy supplement or vitamin. This is safe for pregnancy, nursing, people with chronic illness and children (my kids love it)! For weight loss, this is used as a meal replacement once a day. Then you follow up with healthy foods for your other meals. As a supplement, my customers drink as a snack. One shake contains over $41 worth of fruits and veggies. It contains over 70!!!!! ingredients.

There are so many shakes out there, but the difference is in the label and in the changes you see once you start them. What did I notice? Within the first week, I noticed increased energy, more restful sleep, skin cleared up, nail and hair growth, and weight loss.

What's the cost? For $4 per day, you can choose to buy that cup of coffee out or have an entire meal! You can even get it cheaper if you decide you want to stay on it long term! I was so skeptical as well when I got started. But, almost 30 pounds less now I am so happy I made this choice! I'd love to show you how to get started. When paired with a workout program you will see even better results! Contact me today or check it out on my website www.samaraashley.com

Friday, May 16, 2014

Who Needs Crystal Light When You Have Infused Water!!!!?!?!?!

Now I know ALL TOO WELL how addictive Crystal Light is. If you were to have asked me last year if I drank a lot of water I would have said YES!!! Of course!!! After all, I drank bottles of water but they were all filled with a packet of CRYSTAL LIGHT! haha Yes, you know exactly what I mean. I ask people all of the time "how much water do you drink?" They reply "oh lots", but then when you dig deeper it is sweet tea, coffee, lemonade, etc... They all say "well, it is made with water"

This is the same mindset I had. Until I broke that habit, I did not lose weight. I swear that artificial sweeteners make you fat and help store the fat. Once I started drinking REAL WATER then I started to lose. So, how can we make water with a little flavor at home? There are a ton of great infused water ideas on Pinterest, but I'm just going to share how I made mine today. My 2 year old helped me and had a great time doing it. As you can see in this video....


Here is my personal recipe:
1 pitcher of distilled water
1 handful of mint leaves
4 long squirts of lime juice
1 large orange sliced
Stevia, optional
Believe me, you will not need crystal light once you have had this! The only problem is everyone will want to steal it from you! Don't be surprised if you open the frig and there isn't any left. :) Try it and let me know what you think! By the way, I had this mint in my garden. It comes back every year even after the snow. If not contained it will take over your garden! I've got a ton! 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Bombed it!

Ok! I tried it and bombed it! I was so excited and prepared for this detox! Got all my groceries etc... and started Day 1 as planned. Then, after the first day realized I had an allergy to one of the supplements. Not a fun way to realize it's not for you! haha So basically, I'm here now to say I had to stop it. It was the most important supplement as well because the entire purpose is to get to a healthy pH balance and it was the alkalinity packet. Didn't feel like it would work as well without so I'm going to have to find something else to do.

So, now for fun I'm checking out some new workout programs to get me going again! I'm sooooo close to my goal I can feel it! Have you ever felt that way? You are just a few steps from finishing strong and something goes wrong?! Well, I'm not going to let it get me down. I'm motivated more now than ever and love how I'm feeling. I'd love for you to join my next accountability group. Together we can push to our goals and help keep each other in check! Sound like something you want? Comment below and I'll get in touch with you or visit my website at www.samaraashley.com and go to the CONTACT ME section! Can't wait to get you started!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Let The Shopping Begin!

YEA! I got to Earth Fare today in Boone for a little shopping for the Ultimate Reset. Of course, half the stuff I was buying I had no idea what it even was! haha There I was standing in the middle of the store wondering what MISO paste was. I figured maybe it was a tofu or something but really had no clue! So, the always nice helpers in the store led me to the refrigerated section where I found it.

Not sure how it will be, but everyone says it makes some yummy soup! We shall see! I was able to find some other things I needed while I was there including:

Nori Seaweed
Sushi Rice
Miso Soup
Miso Paste
Organic Coconut Oil (which I used this morning for the first oil pulling ever!!!)

Most of everything else I can just get at my local farmer's market and grocery stores. Unfortunately, when you live in the mountains you don't have the health food stores close by. So, now I'm reading down the list of foods I will make. Here are some ones that I think I'll really make more of the next 3 weeks:

Steel cut oats and berries
Fresh fruit platter
Eggs and Toast

Grilled chicken salad
Miso soup
Moroccan Carrot Salad
Spinach salad

Baked sweet potato
Garlic veggies
Edamame and Roasted Cor Succotash
Pintos and Rice
Roasted Beets

Chia seed pudding
Fresh berries

I think this whole thing just makes me so interested in it even more the more I read. This week I'm celebrating being down another pound to 168 and haven't even started the reset yet! Once this asthma clears I'll be ready to go. They don't want you to be on medication while detoxing unless it's for daily use. Any questions so far????

Monday, May 5, 2014


Well, of course when it rains it pours right?! This weekend was wide open with my little guy's 2nd birthday party and then BAM! I got some horrible bug. Now, down and out. Chills, fever, body ache, horrible cough, and feeling like I'm having asthma. So..... needless to say the detox won't start until I feel somewhat more human. But, since we are talking about the reset... has anyone ever tried Tempeh? Supposedly it is a soy product? Is it like Tofu? Well, that is one of the dishes that is in this book, but I don't think I will be eating it.

I've been trying some of the foods out and I must say that when you start eating more organic foods you won't really want the other stuff. I'm just going to take it a day at a time until I feel better than I will be so much more ready to start! This weekend with the birthday party I had some cake (which I don't usually even like cake) and just felt overall yuck after the day was over.

I'm ready for this big change. I think it will benefit both my husband and I for the long haul! Here's to better health in 2014!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Detox Prep - Mentally Prepare Yourself

If you have ever done a detox longer than just 1 day... you know it takes some mental prep! When you like food like I do, it's not easy to just stop things cold turkey. That's why I've tried to cut back on things little by little. One of the things that will be harder these next 3 weeks is having to prepare more foods.Prep work = time. Time is something I don't have a lot of to spare.

I know my husband also and if I don't prepare it ahead, he will have a harder time sticking with it too. So, what's my plan? I'm making my shopping list and tomorrow plan to get it all done. Then, I will prepare what I can tomorrow evening to start the week strong. I also have a schedule I have to follow with supplements. I have to take certain ones within a timed period before we eat. It is definitely a learning curve.

You want to know the hardest parts for me? Here's my things that I am a little worried about:
- Failing to follow directions
- Hoping I don't blow it and the $ I've put into doing this
- Preparing the food ahead of time and having what I need when I'm hungry
- Having the will power to say no to foods I will be offered

I'm honestly thinking of this more like a "fast". I'm giving my body only what it needs and not foods that I am simply used to eating because I like them. I'm going to have even more dependence on God to give me the strength to do this for 3 weeks. I may be the grumpiest person that first week! haha

Either way, if you decide to do a detox, take the time and prepare yourself. Think about what you will and will not be eating. Give yourself extra rest. With my detox we don't exercise for 3 weeks. That's always been my outlet for additional stress so I will need to give myself some extra quiet time. (if I can lock myself in the bathroom long enough lol)

Stay tuned! More to come! We are almost there!