Thursday, August 28, 2014

Beachbody Coaching.... Building Family Security While At Home!

I'm finalizing my New Coach Training spots and am so excited to be adding new women who are so ready to start something different!

I am looking for people like me.. You may be struggling with financial stress, job insecurity, physical stress...

Beachbody Coaching has provided so much opportunity for my family.
I quit my job last month and am able to stay home full time.
We have paid off over $15,000 in debt.
I am able to fulfill my long time dream of being home with my kids and take better care of my family.
I am a part of a positive community that encourages me to be a better person and helps drive my business forward.
We have the ability to dream BIGGER for our desire to support missions and increase church giving.
We get to watch the Lord work I this business and are anticipating great things for the future.
 THAT is who I am looking for.

You might be someone who just wants to earn an extra $500/mth to help with bills, vacation savings, Christmas presents, church giving OR you may be the type who is ready to start your own 6 figure income business! Whatever your desire..... this can fit right in!

 My goal is to help ten more coaches this month. I want to invite you to be a part of my next NEW Coach Training group .... my FIRST group to use this incredible NEW training!!!!

 I feel strongly about mentoring women ONE on ONE and know that there are some who are ready for such a time as NOW!

 We are in the top 200 of the entire network - out of about 190,000 teams represented and by the end of this year will be in the top 100!

 I am 100% confident that I can teach you how to build your OWN thriving business... I can teach you how to build security for YOUR family... from your home.

 You will be held accountable & given the support you need to live a healthier and happier life! September is the perfect month to jump in and get going!

 So... if you are ready to get this ball rolling & want to be considered for one of the  spots left for this September training.... apply HERE!

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