Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Super Hero Breakfast

Who doesn't want the energy and power of a super hero??? I know I would love it! Well, we need to start our day off on the right track. That means HEALTHY FOOD! It's no secret! After all, people say "you are what you eat!" I know how much better I feel when I eat healthy. So, try these out and let me know what you think?

  • Olive Oil Spray (Pure Olive Oil)
  • 4 scallions (or green onions), minced
  • 2 carrots, shredded
  • 1/2 red bell pepper, minced
  • 14 egg whites
  • 4 whole eggs
  • 1/2 tsp basil
  • 1 slice partly skimmed mozzarella cheese, or 1/4 cup shredded
  • Dash of sea salt and pepper

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Coat a 12-muffin tin with a small amount of olive oil spray to prevent sticking.
  2. Combine vegetables in a big bowl. Fill each muffin tin 2/3 full with vegetables.
  3. Whisk eggs and seasonings in a large mixing bowl.
  4. Use a 1/3-measuring cup for the egg mixture and pour slowly into each muffin tin. Egg mixture should fill tin the rest of the way. Top each cup with a sprinkle of cheese.
  5. Bake for 30 minutes or until muffins have risen and are slightly browned.
  6. Serve or keep in the refrigerator for up to 5 days and grab as snacks to go!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Payoff

In my journey to get physically healthy, I took on the task of helping others. I became a health coach because I knew that if I had people watching me then I would have the utmost accountability. I wanted others to achieve their goals and it gave me a huge push to do better myself. Some people thought I was crazy for taking on yet another thing to do. After all, I'm raising 5 kids, work as a full-time nurse, wife to a wonderful man who just happens to be a pastor, and the list goes on. I really had a HUGE desire to do this though first and foremost for myself.

My self-confidence was lacking and I was discouraged with all the effort I had put into my workouts and eating up to this point with nothing to show for it. It had been an ENTIRE YEAR and I had only lost a few pounds. So, off I went. I adventured into unknown waters not knowing where in the world it would take me.

To my surprise, this has been one of the best adventures for me AND my family. Yes, it took some time to learn the ropes and to show my own results, but it has been so incredibly worth it. I started in September and by December had already lost half of my overall goal weight!!! With great success, people started asking to join me. Seeing others have the same success has been great. It takes a lot of work and totally restructuring how you once did things, but it IS possible for anyone! :) Not only was I getting healthier, but I was inching towards one of my all time goals for me and my family..... to be able to stay at home.

No, I'm not there yet. But, after 6 months of coaching I am up to half my full time nursing salary! That means if all goes well, within the next year or so I could make a big decision! We are working on paying off debt first. I've always been taught how to be smart with my money since I was a kid, but sometimes life happens and that's exactly what we got hit with the last 3 years. Lots and lots of medical debt. Man, we could actually buy a brand new car with that! haha

So, here I sit..... home on a Sunday morning (which NEVER happens in the life of ministry) but I'm nursing my hubby back to health after a night in the ER. Reflecting on God's words this morning and thanking Him for all these amazing blessings. I posted this on my fb page last night, but wanted to share it here as well. You push and push for something you believe in, not knowing sometimes if all your hard work is paying off or not. And finally, you receive a "pat on the back" if you will that tells you to keep pushing. This was mine!

I'm here to say that no matter what "life" serves you..... God can take anything and make it His own. I have had the opportunity to meet so many new people and have people follow my journey. Through seeing my posts and talking about God and how He has blessed us I pray that I have touched at least just one person to "plant that seed" of a hope in Him. No, it's not all about Beachbody. It's not all about ME. It's about what I am doing to follow Christ and the opportunity He has given me at this time in my life. I know people can get tired of seeing my posts and that is ok with me, but as long as He gives me the ability to share with others and help them..... I will. So, I will continue to push through no matter what gets in my way. What are you waiting for? Is God telling you to jump out of your comfort zone today? It's scary BUT so worth it when you listen! Go for it!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Off Course and a Little Chicken

My titles are getting a little crazy, but you will see what I'm talking about as you read! lol

Have you ever been on a mission only to get side swiped! That's totally me this last week! I committed to doing 21 Day Focus and was already seeing results when we got hit with a sick baby and then now getting this stomach crud myself! Uggghhh! What happens when mom can't function? The entire house falls apart! lol All I keep thinking about it how badly I want to bleach and wash everything, but I am not even able to do that yet! I can handle almost anything more than a sick stomach! So, I have been set "off course". I'm determined to get back on bored.

Sometimes lift throws you curve balls. You can't control every day and everything that comes in your path, but you can choose what you will do after. I have 17 other women pushing in this new group and I'm not going to let anyone down! :) Same goes with my eating habits. It seems like the longer I am making better choices for my body; the less I am tempted by foods I actually don't even care about! Sure, every once in a while I want to eat something "bad" and I can! I just don't make it a bad habit again.

Have you fallen off track yourself? Were you working towards your goals and suddenly everything wen haywire? It's never too late to get back to it! Start with small steps and then work your way up. Small goals are more easily achieved and won't leave you feeling defeated. So, today it's time to refocus and get back in the groove! :)

Here is a yummy lunch idea if you have been needing some help...

I like mine wrapped in whole wheat tortillas! :)

Cook chicken with a bit of olive oil in a pan with light salt and pepper added. Dice into small pieces and mix with all other ingredients. Wrap into a tortilla and serve. Makes 4 servings. Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Kickin' My Butt!

Ok, so as some of you know I've recently started the "21 Day Fix" program. I have a group of 20 ladies with me currently and another group forming for March! As many are, when new programs come out you are always a little skeptical to see if it "really works" or not. So, this group has decided to step up to the challenge and test it with me!

What I CAN tell you is that I have never had a program focus so much on my eating habits and portions. I have really been eating healthy since I started Beachbody back in September, but I always knew I was probably eating too much of a good thing. I lost my initial 20 pounds then...... nothing more. When I started to think about what the problem could be I knew it was my eating. I continued my workouts and still lost inches, but just not pounds. I was drinking a lot of water, but still no pounds lost.

So, when I heard about 21 day fix I was like oooohhhhh yes I want to try that! Here I am now officially Day 2 with my group although I tested out the workouts prior. I LOVE IT! I love the meal portion assistance, I love the workouts, I love this awesome group that is so pumped and keeping each other motivated! I know this will be just what I needed to help me work off the last 20!

Some say "I don't want to eat like a little rabbit". Well, I eat A LOT of food daily. I eat every 2 hours and it's easy to follow with the little Tupperware that come with it. They are color coded so you know what foods go where. You can pre-pack your food the night before or just make sure you have all that you need for the next day! It also includes Shakeology as one snack or meal during the day as well.

Here is an idea of what I ate yesterday. For breakfast I had my coffee, 2 eggs scrambled on whole grain bread with a slice of tomato. Then shakeology for my snack 2 hours later. For lunch, I had turkey chili with a spoon of Greek yogurt. Then I had blackberries for snack and pork chops with steamed broccoli for dinner. THEN... I had a rice cake with peanut butter and banana for a snack later! Yep, I ate ALL of that!

I am the type of person who gets on the scale daily. That's just me. I expected after all I ate that the scale would be higher today but nope! It's LOWER! Plus, after the workout my muscles are sore and I know I'm doing something right! :)

So, how much longer are you going to talk about making a change? Seriously, there is no excuse great enough to not start this now. I have my March group coming up and the time to step out is now and get focused with me on your side. I don't just HAVE to do this.... I WANT to do this and I want to help others struggling for the same. You ready? Then message me now and let's get started. The only regret you will have is by passing this over and wishing you had started.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Sweet Tooth Fix

Ok.... so I recorded this last week in an effort to help you find something sweet when you JUST have to have something :) However, due to "technical difficulties" my entire video got deleted half way through. So.... here is the 2nd take and hopefully you can follow along. As always, I keep it comical in some parts so this my be entertaining lol. My husband says after watching this he thinks I should have my own cooking show! haha So supportive isn't he! You may have seen my post a few weeks ago that a friend shared about cake batter ice cream made out of BANANAS! Yes, you heard me right. BANANAS!

I had to try this because if this really did taste good then it would be an awesome treat! I used to love ice cream but have cut it out. Follow this video for the recipe....

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Crazy dreams!

Have you ever had a longing desire for something, but felt as if it was so far off and far stretched?! Maybe you want to start your own business, but have no means to do so. Maybe you have a dream to sing, but can't find your way.... or maybe you are like me and desire to stay home with your family, but with bills and funds needed to live off of it doesn't seem like it will ever be! 

Well, I want you to know today that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! You CAN go for your dream! No matter what people may think I don't want to be a statistic of the 80% of people who never "go for it". I know that there is a great potential for me to stay home, but I've got to work at it and develop my HOW! :) So, the last 6 months I started my own personal weight loss journey. I was heavy and uncomfortable in my skin which led to me seek out other means besides just going to the gym. I started doing Beachbody. I was so excited with the first 6 pounds I lost that first month that I started actively working my "business" with it. I began to help others find the same results as I was seeing for myself. 

Was I physically fit already? No way! Did I know everything there was to know about the nutrition and exercise? Nope! BUT, I did have a huge passion for people and a desire to see other's succeed. So, here I am 6 months after I started. You want to know what I have to show for it? Not only did I lose 20 pounds so far, but I am also making 1/2 of my full time nurse salary already! My goal is by the end of this year to be making my full time salary so I can choose when and what I want to do about it. Sounds awesome right?!

There are stay at home moms and dads doing the same thing and able to devote much more time than I have for it. It's possible for anyone with a heart and a passion to drive them towards their life goals. I'd love to show you how to do the same! This is geared for anyone 18 and up. I have senior adults to college kids doing the same. So, what are you waiting for? You want to actually get paid for the effort you put into your job? You want to work for yourself and not worry about PTO when you have to take your kids to the doctor? Have you wanted to travel the world without a time frame to abide by? Want to have a job where you can take your work ANYWHERE with you? Join me now! You won't regret this! Contact me today! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Not Your Usual Chicken Enchiladas

Happy snowy Wednesday! This mama didn't load up at the store before the storm so we are going to play the game "Clean Out Your Pantry!" First, trying to put ingredients together is not always easy. Here's what I found that I had tonight that might just do the trick...

Tyson all natural chicken strips
Vegan black bean soup
Ezekiel tortillas
Plain Greek yogurt
Shredded cheese
Cream cheese
Enchilada sauce

I decided to try a recipe on my own because in this family they know I like to break out of the cookbooks and create my own twist to things. So, here we go!

Add the following to the wok:
1T minced garlic
1t pepper
Cook chicken tenders and pull apart with forks

Added water to cup of soup and cooked

Poured some enchilada sauce in bottom of dish. Lined bottom of pan with tortillas. Top with softened cream cheese, chicken, and top with black bean soup and shredded cheese. Layer 3 times. Bake on 425 for 10 min. Top with plain Greek yogurt.

Family rated A-A+

Try it and let me know what you think!

Some days you just have to be a little creative. For me it's all about prep time. I don't cook anything that takes longer than 30 minutes. With church, family life, and every day activities I just don't have the time to devote to preparing meals. I would rather spend another half hour eating with the kids and talking about the day. Remember, there are always fun ways you can change up your menu! :)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Coffee Queen

This mommy NEEDS that cup of Joe in the morning! :) I never drank coffee until after I started my family. Now, I can't imagine a day without my cup! You can take all my sweets, but don't take my coffee. However, I've run into a dilemma recently because I am trying to eat as clean as possible. So with this, I now need to start making my own creamer if I want to continue my coffee drinking. Let's dig into some recipes and try them out. I'm game! I don't want to work so hard trying to eat healthy every other way and still hold onto something that just isn't good for me. I'm a hazelnut fan, but I'm going to share a few recipes with you tonight.

This is the real deal, and it tastes like real, honest-to-goodness hazelnuts! Toasting the nuts is a necessity; don’t skip this step. If you do, you’ll be disappointed in the taste of your creamer.
  • 2 cups base (whole milk/almond or coconut milk)
  • 1 cup hazelnuts, toasted
  • 1 T sugar (I use organic sugar for this recipe, you can use honey or maple syrup, but that will affect the taste.) or Stevia
  • 2 t pure vanilla extract
Take your hazelnuts and toast them over medium heat in a skillet, stirring constantly, until they begin to brown and start giving off a lovely aroma. (You can also place them on a cookie sheet and bake at 350F for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally). They are done toasting when the nuts are fragrant.Pour your toasted nuts into a kitchen towel and let them cool completely. After the nuts are cool, fold your towel up and give the nuts a good shake and rub; this will remove the papery husks from the nuts (this won’t work well until the nuts have cooled). If there are a few stuck hulls, don’t worry. You just want most of them gone. 
Place all ingredients into a blender or food processor for about 15 seconds or so, until the nuts are broken apart into small pieces (but don’t turn your base to whipped cream…while the end result of over-blending is great as a pudding-like dessert, not so much for a creamer). Pour into a saucepan and heat over low heat until warm. Remove from heat and let steep for 30 minutes, then strain and pour into a container to store in the refrigerator. Shake well before using.

  • 2 cups milk base
  • 1 cup coconut flakes
  • 2 T sugar or Stevia (I use organic)
Place all ingredients in your blender and whizz until incorporated and the coconut flakes are chopped fine. Strain your creamer to remove the larger bits of coconut flake, and store in the refrigerator.

.If you like spicy food, give this creamer a try! You might find it to be a bit addicting! But I did make this spicy, so be prepared for a kick!
  • 2 cups milk base
  • 4 T cocoa powder
  • 5 T honey
  • 1 t pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 t cinnamon
  • 1/2 t cayenne pepper
Place all ingredients in your blender and whizz until combined. Pour into a container and store in the refrigerator, shaking well before use.

You can’t beat the taste of real vanilla! While you can use all pure vanilla extract for this, using beans will just make it that much better (but be sure to shake before use; as you can see from the photo, the beans will float to the top).Since vanilla is the star here, elevate it with real beans!
  • 2 cups base
  • 1 t fresh vanilla beans, scraped from about 10 vanilla pods (or you can use vanilla paste)
  • 1 t pure vanilla extract (double if you’re not using the real beans)
  • 1 T sugar or Stevia
Place all ingredients in your blender and whizz until combined. Pour into a container and store in the refrigerator.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Sweet Snack Fix

Today I took off work for a "mental health" day as I like to call it. Working full time and maintaining a home with 5 kids does not always come easy. The older I get the more I enjoy having a sparkly home :) So, today I am off and hard at it. Cleaning my home and jamming out to Mandisa! I'm also hungry so I decided on this healthy snack. 

Brown Rice Cakes (I got caramel)

Try it! It hit the spot and helps keep me going today!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

No Plan No Dinner?! No Way!!!

Hey friends! So today was one of those days that just got away from me. You would think with a large family I could keep it together at least for meals, but nope! :) I still have a lot to learn! Haha so, here I stand in my kitchen at 5:15 figuring out what to cook when groceries are low. So, tonight I have some chicken, peppers, mozzarella, and tortillas. So.... It's quesadilla night in the Ashley house! I'm missing my secret ingredient..... Artichokes..... But I'm sure they will still be yummy.

Sam's Quesadillas:

Chicken breasts, strips, or whatever you have.
Red/yellow peppers
Onion chopped
Mozzarella shredded
Artichokes, canned (if you have them)
Flour tortillas
1T minced garlic

Cook chicken in a skillet with garlic, salt, and pepper until fully cooked. Pull apart with forks. Then add in chopped onion for a minute or two and stir on med heat. Pour chicken and onions in a bowl then throw thinly sliced peppers on heat to brown a little with artichokes chopped. Add that to chicken and onions and wipe down skillet with a paper towel. Allow the skillet to get warm on medium heat. Spray with olive oil. Lay out a flour tortilla and cover 1/2 with mozzarella. Top with 2 spoons of chicken mix then top with another layer of mozzarella. Fold other half over and place on skillet. Brown both sides then remove. Only takes a minute or less per side until its crunchy. Top with sour cream and salsa!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Feeding the Fab 5 for less than $15

By the "Fab 5" I mean my 5 children not including me and the hubs. We have to eat too! So for less than $15 we get a yummy healthy meal! Tonight I made Polish Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (galabki). Sounds difficult to make but it was easy AND fun! So, let's get to it!

1 pound ground beef, browned
1 onion chopped
2 cups white rice cooked
1t garlic powder
1/2 t sea salt
1/2 t ground black pepper
1 egg

1 head of cabbage
1 can tomato soup

First, cut the head off the cabbage. Using a large pot, fill with 2 inches of water and place the cabbage head down in the water. Salt water a little and bring to a boil and cover. Steam this way for about 10 minutes.

While steaming, brown beef. Then in a large mixing bowl mix beef, chopped onion, egg, garlic powder, salt and pepper. For a little kick I added a squirt of chili paste. Mix well.

When cabbage is soft, dump hot water in sink leaving cabbage in the pot. Add cold after and flip cabbage to allow water to fill the head.

Now you are ready to fill the cabbage rolls. Take a piece of cabbage and cut the hard top off. Then spoon in filling making nice and full. Wrap like a pillow and place seam down on the Pyrex dish. Repeat this step until Pyrex is full. Do not stack. Then top with the can of tomato soup and spread to cover. Bake on 350 degrees for 30 min.

Kids rate this one A+!!!! Everyone loved it and it is gone! Enjoy it! :)