Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Payoff

In my journey to get physically healthy, I took on the task of helping others. I became a health coach because I knew that if I had people watching me then I would have the utmost accountability. I wanted others to achieve their goals and it gave me a huge push to do better myself. Some people thought I was crazy for taking on yet another thing to do. After all, I'm raising 5 kids, work as a full-time nurse, wife to a wonderful man who just happens to be a pastor, and the list goes on. I really had a HUGE desire to do this though first and foremost for myself.

My self-confidence was lacking and I was discouraged with all the effort I had put into my workouts and eating up to this point with nothing to show for it. It had been an ENTIRE YEAR and I had only lost a few pounds. So, off I went. I adventured into unknown waters not knowing where in the world it would take me.

To my surprise, this has been one of the best adventures for me AND my family. Yes, it took some time to learn the ropes and to show my own results, but it has been so incredibly worth it. I started in September and by December had already lost half of my overall goal weight!!! With great success, people started asking to join me. Seeing others have the same success has been great. It takes a lot of work and totally restructuring how you once did things, but it IS possible for anyone! :) Not only was I getting healthier, but I was inching towards one of my all time goals for me and my family..... to be able to stay at home.

No, I'm not there yet. But, after 6 months of coaching I am up to half my full time nursing salary! That means if all goes well, within the next year or so I could make a big decision! We are working on paying off debt first. I've always been taught how to be smart with my money since I was a kid, but sometimes life happens and that's exactly what we got hit with the last 3 years. Lots and lots of medical debt. Man, we could actually buy a brand new car with that! haha

So, here I sit..... home on a Sunday morning (which NEVER happens in the life of ministry) but I'm nursing my hubby back to health after a night in the ER. Reflecting on God's words this morning and thanking Him for all these amazing blessings. I posted this on my fb page last night, but wanted to share it here as well. You push and push for something you believe in, not knowing sometimes if all your hard work is paying off or not. And finally, you receive a "pat on the back" if you will that tells you to keep pushing. This was mine!

I'm here to say that no matter what "life" serves you..... God can take anything and make it His own. I have had the opportunity to meet so many new people and have people follow my journey. Through seeing my posts and talking about God and how He has blessed us I pray that I have touched at least just one person to "plant that seed" of a hope in Him. No, it's not all about Beachbody. It's not all about ME. It's about what I am doing to follow Christ and the opportunity He has given me at this time in my life. I know people can get tired of seeing my posts and that is ok with me, but as long as He gives me the ability to share with others and help them..... I will. So, I will continue to push through no matter what gets in my way. What are you waiting for? Is God telling you to jump out of your comfort zone today? It's scary BUT so worth it when you listen! Go for it!


  1. I found you on youtube--enjoy your videos and blog posts as I await my 21 day fix challenge pack. :)

  2. Awesome Rikki! Is this your first time using a beachbody program?

  3. No, I did one last year but I was kind of lost after it was over so I'm pretty much starting over. :) I have a ways to go!

  4. If you don't have a coach you should join my group. It's so much better with ladies working towards the same goals. Email me if you are interested

  5. I can't figure out how to email you. I have a coach but I'm not sure what the status of her challenge group is. If it doesn't work out, I will keep you in mind for sure! Thanks!

  6. You can email me anytime @
