Thursday, February 20, 2014

Off Course and a Little Chicken

My titles are getting a little crazy, but you will see what I'm talking about as you read! lol

Have you ever been on a mission only to get side swiped! That's totally me this last week! I committed to doing 21 Day Focus and was already seeing results when we got hit with a sick baby and then now getting this stomach crud myself! Uggghhh! What happens when mom can't function? The entire house falls apart! lol All I keep thinking about it how badly I want to bleach and wash everything, but I am not even able to do that yet! I can handle almost anything more than a sick stomach! So, I have been set "off course". I'm determined to get back on bored.

Sometimes lift throws you curve balls. You can't control every day and everything that comes in your path, but you can choose what you will do after. I have 17 other women pushing in this new group and I'm not going to let anyone down! :) Same goes with my eating habits. It seems like the longer I am making better choices for my body; the less I am tempted by foods I actually don't even care about! Sure, every once in a while I want to eat something "bad" and I can! I just don't make it a bad habit again.

Have you fallen off track yourself? Were you working towards your goals and suddenly everything wen haywire? It's never too late to get back to it! Start with small steps and then work your way up. Small goals are more easily achieved and won't leave you feeling defeated. So, today it's time to refocus and get back in the groove! :)

Here is a yummy lunch idea if you have been needing some help...

I like mine wrapped in whole wheat tortillas! :)

Cook chicken with a bit of olive oil in a pan with light salt and pepper added. Dice into small pieces and mix with all other ingredients. Wrap into a tortilla and serve. Makes 4 servings. Enjoy! :)

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