Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Working Out With No Results

I've been talking to a friend lately about the discouragement of working out without seeing your hard work pay off. That was totally me last year. I was at the gym numerous days a week and had a trainer. I was seeing some toning, but not weight loss. You know why? One simple word..... NUTRITION!

I was not eating enough AND I was not eating the right foods. What I thought was the "healthier" choices just weren't right for me! That's when I started drinking Shakeology. I realized also my body was lacking the vitamins and nutrients that I needed to get my body on track. I've been drinking this for the last year as a meal a day and have seen amazing results!

This doesn't mean that you have to drink a shake to have results, but for those of you who struggle with food like I do; it was a lifesaver! I am a mom with 5 kids on the go and don't always prep like I should to make sure I always have the foods to make at home. This mostly happens during the day more so than anything. So, it takes me a whopping 30 seconds to make my Shakeology and I go!

As far as the rest of the day, I've found that the small, frequent meals work best for me. Small portions of fruit, protein, healthy fats, and more. Then I top it all off with lots of water... at least 1/2 my body weight in ounces of water every day!

So, if you need help let me know and I can help walk you through changing your eating habits.

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