Friday, January 31, 2014

Why a Cleanse?

Have you ever felt like your body just needed a detox? Maybe your feeling less energetic or have been eating the wrong foods. Maybe you just have never done one and want to see what the "big deal" is! Well, I'm about to start a new program that I have been WAITING for the last few weeks. Before I get started though, I just needed a jump start. I wanted to clean out my body and have a fresh beginning for this new program.

For this reason, I chose to do a shakeology cleanse. What is SHAKEOLOGY? It's only the healthiest thing I put in my body every day since September of last year. That's when I decided to start treating my body better. Shakeology is full of fruits and veggies, digestive enzymes, fiber, and my vitamins I need to fuel this "every day getting older" body of mine! :) There are NO artificial ingredients. NO artificial sweeteners. It is made up of whey protein and not soy. AND it tastes yummy! I love that I am putting this in my body. I love how it makes me more energized, clears my skin, strengthens my muscles, and helped me to lose the initial 20 pounds.

So, what is a Shakeology cleanse? Basically, you drink a shake for breakfast and for lunch mixed with water; not milk. Then you have a salad with protein for dinner. You make SURE that anything you put on that salad is all natural and no artificial ingredients. Simple salad. You do this for three days all while drinking lots and lots of water to "flush" your system. Yes, you will lose the pounds doing this. Think about it.... it's not much you are putting in your body. Most likely you will gain a few back when you start to eat again but 75% of it will stay off if you do it right.

Why am I so passionate about this stuff? Because it WORKS! I couldn't afford to go buy $41 of produce every day. That is exactly how much ingredients are in a single CUP of this! So, I choose to drink it instead. I've never felt better and am so glad I started this for me! No matter what your age (my kids drink it too) or where you are with your health this can help you. If you have medical concerns I can help you with that and give you the information to take to your MD. I'm a nurse and am very cautious about that as well. Feel free to contact me or use my link above in the picture. I can't wait to report back in 3 days my results! For now, a dull headache and feeling hungry! lol So...... checking out for now! Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Any way we can cut calories right?! This stuff is super healthy and MUCH better for us than peanut butter! You can find it at Walmart, Ingles,, or other local health food and grocery stores. Try it out!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Healthy Comfort Foods

Tonight my goal was to make mac n' cheese with a healthy twist. I need to start by saying that I had never heard of QUINOA until a few weeks ago. Many of my friends who are in this weight loss journey with me started using it and until then I had no idea it even existed. So, today I bought some and tried a new recipe. Someone asked me to find a healthy alternative to mac n' cheese so that's exactly what I did. To top it off, I made a crock pot honey chicken. The smell of my kitchen tonight was awesome! Everyone came in wondering what I was up to which makes this journey a lot more fun! I was getting tired of cooking the same old foods. I always say I don't have time to do much else, but I am finding that to be wrong. I'm enjoying this new found adventure and I hope you are too!
So here it is.... tonight's recipes....
Broccoli and Cheese Quinoa
1 1/2 cups dry quinoa, cooked (see directions below)
1 cup milk
2 T minced garlic
2 eggs beaten
1 1/2 cups cheddar cheese
1t salt
1 t pepper
1/2 t crushed red pepper (I only had pepper flakes and worked fine)
2 cups lightly steamed broccoli (I used a steamer bag)
To cook quinoa: add 3 cups of water (always double the quinoa) to a sauce pan and pour in the 1 1/2 cups quinoa. Bring to a boil. Cover and turn down to med-low for 15-20 min. After, take off heat and leave another 5 minutes.
While that sits, in another bowl mix milk, eggs, garlic, red pepper, salt, and pepper. Stir well. Mix cheese and broccoli in with quinoa folding lightly. Add wet ingredients a little at a time until all mixed together. Put into greased 13x9 pyrex and bake on 350 degrees for 30 min.
Crock Pot Honey Chicken
Boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 small onion diced
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup ketchup
2 T minced garlic
3T soy sauce
2T olive oil or coconut oil
cut chicken and combine all ingredients in crock pot. Stir and cook all day on low.
I hope you all enjoy this meal! The kids gave it an overall average score of "A". I asked them to rate A-F so I could tell you how they liked it. I don't think they mind being the guinea pigs. One entire dish of quinoa was gone and we have leftovers for tomorrow. Since breakfast and lunch are always so easy for me, I can devote more time to planning healthy dinners for the fam. Let me know how you and your family likes this! Until tomorrow! :)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Dinner on a budget.... AND still healthy!

Tonight my wonderful hubby decided to cook dinner. Since Levi got up at 5:30 this morning, I was tired and took a nice nap. While I was sleeping, he surprised me and stuck a Boston Butt in the crock pot! I got two huge ones on sale this week for only $7 each. Here is how he made it!

Boston Butt
1/2 cup Worcestershire sauce
Couple shakes of McCormick's Montreal Steak Seasoning
1 bottle Caribbean Jerk Marinade
A Pinch of Lawry's seasoned salt

Cooked on low heat all day until we were ready to eat. We served it with steamed broccoli and green beans. I know.... lots of green foods, but you eat what you have in the kitchen! :) The nice part for me is that there are leftovers FINALLY! Plates were licked clean by the kids and once again it was a fantastic yummy dinner. Try it out!

Friday, January 24, 2014

It's your turn to make a change!

I used to feel like it would never happen for me! After having Levi in my 30's my body was totally whack! haha In my 20's I found it easier to lose and now not only had I tipped the 200 mark pregnant with him, but I was not finding it easy to lose this time.

I remember walking passed my bathroom mirror so many days after getting out of the shower and just crying at my reflection. I knew something had to change. I started at the gym again and eating weight watchers meals and counting points. I would find myself craving food. I was hungry all of the time. After months, I only lost 3 pounds. I was discouraged and wanted to give up, but I knew that wouldn't help me at all.

Back in September 2013, I stumbled upon a friend's post on facebook. It was about shakeology. She was talking about how she had lost eating more foods, but learning to eat the right foods. I messaged her and asked more about it. Then I went online and search around to see what I could find. I didn't want to do anything unhealthy for my body. I wanted to make better choices for myself. As I read the ingredients to Shakeology, I found it to be full of super foods (fruits and veggies) and a ton of stuff I had just heard on Dr. Oz! :) Yes, I am sure some of you watch him too!  Not only that, but it also was full of natural digestive enzymes which my family has had issues with for generations.

I was super skeptical, but prayed about it and felt this was something I needed to do for myself. Well, the first month I just drank a shake for breakfast and at normal the rest of the day and lost 6 pounds! That was without crazy workouts. Then after I started getting excited about each pound I thought I'd better start the workout program to go with it since so many had success. Well, by December I hit my first 20 pound goal. I can't tell you how thrilled I was to know that I had done this! For all those times I gave up and got overwhelmed.... now I could finally say I did it!

People were starting to notice and I had begun helping others do the same thing I did. Now, I have over 80 people I help and that number grows every day. When people see you consistent and committed to something that works, they want to try it too! I've got 20 pounds to go now, but I am determined. I love the accountability I get from others watching me and wanting the same. I'm pumped and excited to see others feel better physically, mentally, and spiritually through this.

So here's the secret to weight loss...... ACCOUNTABILITY!

If you are ready to see a difference and make a change message me and let's get going. There is no reason why you should continue to be so upset with how you feel about yourself. You are the only one standing in the way of a better you! Everything we do is done privately online. You can be my neighbor or live in another country! There is no excuse too great not to try!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Cauliflower Pizza... That's dinner folks!

Who would've thought you could cut out the bread and make pizza crust with cauliflower? I thought it sounded a little odd, but tonight I had all I needed in the frig to try it! Here is the recipe...

1 cup cauliflower
1 cup mozzarella
1T minced garlic
1t garlic salt
1T oregano
1 egg beaten

Read directions carefully. Using a food processor, chop cauliflower until it look like rice. Then place in microwave for 4-6 min with 2T water. Mix half way through and then finish. When done, add all other ingredients and mix well. Pat down in circles whatever size you would like. Make sure it's not too thick. Cook on 450 degrees for 15 min or until golden and bubbly all over.

Add whatever pizza toppings you want.

Place back I oven long enough to melt cheese and serve.

The baby even ate it all and loved it. No complaints! Think this might be another addition to the Ashley Crew Cookbook!

Lunch In A Snap

Quick lunch help today! Here is what I am eating...

Yes, it is a salad. But, not just any boring old salad. Since I stopped eating salad dressing I have found I can actually TASTE what's in it now! haha I change it up all the time but it is an easy go to meal for me while I work.

Shredded iceberg
Turkey lunch meat (about 2oz shredded)
1/2 Avocado
2 Scallions chopped
2T Olive Oil
salt/pepper to taste

Have a great lunch!

Do I really have to drink water?

The answer is YES! :) Let me say this first. Water is NOT crystal light, sweet tea or even unsweet, juice "watered down", or anything that might possibly contain water. Our bodies are made up of water and to properly clean it out we need the real stuff.

I was like you. Oh sure! I got my 8 glasses in , but it had little packets I would sprinkle in or I'd get it in "other forms". But, it's no wonder I wasn't losing water weight. If you want to lose some easy pounds then this is how you do it. Take your weight and divide it by 2. Example: If you are 150lbs then it would be 75. Then you take that number and that is how much water you should be drinking in ounces per day. So if you bought the Deer Park 33.8oz bottles it would be approximately 2 of those bottles plus another glass. Get it? That is the least amount you want to drink. If you push for more than this, you will see the water weight come off quicker. Usually, I find when my challengers get "stuck in a rut" with their weight it is one of two things.... Not enough water or eating habits.

So! It's time to start training yourself to drink water! Are you a sweet tea drinker? Soda? Diet drinks? You will be surprised how much better you feel once you get that out of your system. It took me a while to cut out the tea. I would drink 1/2 sweet 1/2 unsweet for a while, but eventually just weaned off. Every once in a while, if I feel I want something I drink a REAL root beer or coke. I am no longer drinking anything with artificial sweeteners.

You can do this! I'd love to help you along the way! Feel free to comment or message me! Have a great day! More recipes to come!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Who's hungry?

Hey friends and neighbors! :) I have had so many requests for meals that I am going to post again today. Since I have to cook for a family of 7 I don't always get to have leftovers. I may buy a huge pork loin or a big roast, but it usually gets eaten to the very last nibble. So, when I began eating healthier this became a lot harder for me. I wanted to cook enough to eat during the week. Easier said than done! I just have to get creative with what I make for my family. I don't like cooking more than 1 meal so I don't! Everyone eats the same thing. There is no "my food" "your food" going on because that would get too complicated. So here are some of my favorite meals that fit into my slow carb eating plan. Basically, I don't eat white bread, sugar, potatoes, etc... I don't eat bread at all unless I have my cheat meal which I like to save up for some of my absolute favorites. No wasting my cheat meal on fast food anymore. Let me know if you try any of these out and what you think. Some of them I made up myself and my kids love all of them!


Frozen chicken breasts (boneless skinless)
2 cans black beans, drained
1 bag frozen corn
1 jar of your favorite salsa
1 cup shredded cheese
1 packet taco seasoning

Optional: serve on a bed of white rice

Using a glass pyrex dish (the biggest I have) line the bottom of pan with black beans evenly. Then cover with the bag of frozen corn. Then lay the frozen chicken breasts over the corn as many as you can without stacking. Shake entire taco seasoning packet over chicken and cover with the entire jar of salsa. Sprinkle cheese if desired. Bake on 400 degrees for 50 min. Serve on white rice if you like and top with a spoon of sour cream.


Place the following in a crockpot first thing in the morning on low heat and leave on all day~
1 large pork loin
2 T minced garlic
1T dried oregano
2T olive oil
1 T salt
2 T pepper
1 cup water

I usually cook my meat from 10-5 on low heat. When cooked shred with 2 forks and pull apart.

Avocado diced
refried beans
rice (optional)
Flour tortillas

This is a fun meal for kids. Just like tacos. They love to create their own. Super easy and yummy!


Grill up some yummy steaks

In a frying pan cover the bottom with olive oil. Chop a Vidalia onion or 2 (depending on how many are eating) and brown. Chop up some fresh cilantro and avocado. Drizzle with some a small amount of fresh lime. You won't need steak sauce with this!


These are the bomb diggity! If that's even a word!

Using a very sharp nice cut potatoes in small slices but do not cut clean through. Leave about 1/4 inch on the bottom untouched. Do this across the entire potato then drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with sea salt and bake on 425 degrees for 50-60 min. You can pull the pieces right off and eat with your fingers.


Dump 2 or 3 bags of shrimp (precooked frozen) in the crockpot with a packet of McCormick's Baja Citrus seasoning. Cook on low for a few hours and serve on white rice. WARNING: There will be no leftovers!


1 pound ground turkey
2 cans of northern beans drained
2 cans of black beans drained
1 jar of salsa
1 can green chilies
1 large can of Hunt's tomato sauce
1 packet McCormick's chili seasoning

sour cream
hot sauce

Brown turkey in pan then add all other ingredients. Stir and let warm for about 10 min and serve!
Want some yummy meal solutions? It's time to replace the "not so healthy" with the WOW THIS IS GOOD FOR ME foods! haha Take a look at this meal I made for my family this week!

thawed boneless, skinless chicken breasts
2 T Minced garlic
1 t oregano, dried
1 t Thyme, dried
1 t Cayenne Pepper
1 1/2 t Paprika
2 t ground pepper
1 1/2 t salt      

Rub the chicken breasts and grill til almost fully cooked. Add more seasoning one last time and finish cooking thoroughly.  


Sweet potatoes
olive oil
sea salt

Using a sharp knife, slice potatoes in thin slices without cutting all the way through the bottom. Make thin slices along the entire potato. Pour olive oil over them to cover then sea salt to your liking. Place on baking sheet and bake on 425 for 50 min or until done.

This meal was a huge hit for my family of 7! I made white potatoes for the kids.                    


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Why me?

Have you ever looked around and wondered why is it so easy for everyone else to lose weight?  Or, why can't I look like that person! Well, I have been there! It's a mind game and it's a battle many days to WISH you looked like someone else.

I am a work in progress. I have to fight daily to eat the right foods and do my workouts. It truly is a "Fight to be Fit" for me! That's why I call this blog and my facebook page the same. I have found that even people who I think are in great shape are wishing the same things as me. They want to be healthier. They want to be skinnier.

I've come to realize that my goals should not be based on where others are at, but where I need to be to increase my energy, confidence, and attitude! This blog will be an awesome place to share meals, fitness, encouragement, and friendship! Join me on this journey!