Thursday, January 23, 2014

Do I really have to drink water?

The answer is YES! :) Let me say this first. Water is NOT crystal light, sweet tea or even unsweet, juice "watered down", or anything that might possibly contain water. Our bodies are made up of water and to properly clean it out we need the real stuff.

I was like you. Oh sure! I got my 8 glasses in , but it had little packets I would sprinkle in or I'd get it in "other forms". But, it's no wonder I wasn't losing water weight. If you want to lose some easy pounds then this is how you do it. Take your weight and divide it by 2. Example: If you are 150lbs then it would be 75. Then you take that number and that is how much water you should be drinking in ounces per day. So if you bought the Deer Park 33.8oz bottles it would be approximately 2 of those bottles plus another glass. Get it? That is the least amount you want to drink. If you push for more than this, you will see the water weight come off quicker. Usually, I find when my challengers get "stuck in a rut" with their weight it is one of two things.... Not enough water or eating habits.

So! It's time to start training yourself to drink water! Are you a sweet tea drinker? Soda? Diet drinks? You will be surprised how much better you feel once you get that out of your system. It took me a while to cut out the tea. I would drink 1/2 sweet 1/2 unsweet for a while, but eventually just weaned off. Every once in a while, if I feel I want something I drink a REAL root beer or coke. I am no longer drinking anything with artificial sweeteners.

You can do this! I'd love to help you along the way! Feel free to comment or message me! Have a great day! More recipes to come!

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