Thursday, January 23, 2014

Cauliflower Pizza... That's dinner folks!

Who would've thought you could cut out the bread and make pizza crust with cauliflower? I thought it sounded a little odd, but tonight I had all I needed in the frig to try it! Here is the recipe...

1 cup cauliflower
1 cup mozzarella
1T minced garlic
1t garlic salt
1T oregano
1 egg beaten

Read directions carefully. Using a food processor, chop cauliflower until it look like rice. Then place in microwave for 4-6 min with 2T water. Mix half way through and then finish. When done, add all other ingredients and mix well. Pat down in circles whatever size you would like. Make sure it's not too thick. Cook on 450 degrees for 15 min or until golden and bubbly all over.

Add whatever pizza toppings you want.

Place back I oven long enough to melt cheese and serve.

The baby even ate it all and loved it. No complaints! Think this might be another addition to the Ashley Crew Cookbook!

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