Tuesday, March 18, 2014

All Out of Whack

Do you ever have days where you INTEND to eat really well, do your exercise and get everything done on your to do list you have made for yourself? Well, sometimes things don't go as planned and life happens right?! I am learning to build healthier habits for myself. I love that you all are following me on this journey and I hope that you are finding motivation and encouragement through my blog. I LOVE helping others succeed. I LOVE having so much accountability from others. No matter how "out of whack" my life may get, I'm able to jump back on board sooner than later if I fall off course.

Currently, I have over 75 people in different accountability groups that I run on facebook. They are all private groups so people can share freely about what they are struggling with without the entire facebook community knowing their business. :) I have a nutrition group, a fitness group, and a health coaching group full of people all striving towards common goals. What are you doing to better yourself? What are you interested in finding out more about? Do you struggle with eating? Don't know what to change or where to start? Do you have extra weight that really needs to come off or just want a push to get in better shape for the nice weather coming our way?

Whatever is "out of whack" in your life, I'd love to help! I feel like I've been given the gift of encouragement and love to put my nursing knowledge and my health coaching together for a powerful combination. So, you know what I say? When you surround yourself with uplifting individuals you can't help, but do better than you did by yourself. Join me! Feel free to follow me here or on facebook. The more the merrier! Don't wait until you feel worse to get started!

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