Sunday, March 9, 2014

Tickin' Time Bomb

It's only a matter of time before our poor habits catch up to us. So, even though we know that certain foods are bad for us.... why do we continue in the same destructive path? BECAUSE IT TASTES SOOOOO GOOOD! Right?! No really, I LOVE food! I have no problem eating. My problem has always been how much and what I eat. So that brings us to my current situation. I'm having to teach myself how much food is ok and what is not. It's not calorie counting technically because I am not sure how many calories I'm actually eating. What I am doing is eating healthy foods very frequently but using my little portion cups to help me. I'm actually surprised at how much food fits in them. They look so tiny on the outside! At first, I was like "no way is that all I am going to eat!" haha I just think my body needs more than it really does. Honestly, I have been struggling this week. I need others to hold me accountable just as much as they need it from me. I need someone to say "Sam, get out of bed when your alarm goes off for that early workout!" I need someone to say "what did you eat today?" Sometimes, it is so hard when you have a family to cook and your trying to continuously eat healthy yourself. That's why I am so determined to help others. I want to share with you today what I am eating. I like to eat more routine foods so I know I am not going to have a hard time remembering what to buy at the store or have to guess what I'm going to eat the next day. Breakfast: Coffee Greek plain yogurt with berries and sliced almonds Snack: Shakeology Lunch: Whole Wheat Tortilla Meat Hummus Some kind of veggie Snack: Apple Dinner: Meat and veggies Snack: Celery with PB I drink at around 100 oz of water a day. Sometimes I am drowning myself in it at night if I forget, but I want to drink it. I have never had such pretty skin and I owe it to the healthy eating and water. So, who out there in computer land wants to have accountability with me? I don't need you to join my program unless you want to, but just would love to have others who desire the same things to have some kind of accountability too! What do you say?

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