Thursday, March 20, 2014

Time Is Tickin' Away

I hear the same thing time and time again. "I don't have time to exercise." With life, kids, work, church, etc.... life does get super busy. However, we are all given the same amount of time in a day. I told my husband long ago that I don't want to be so overwhelmed with life that I can't enjoy it. I don't want to stack up my calendar to the point where I feel I can't breathe! Why do we do that to ourselves? With 5 kids, you can imagine life gets hectic. Sports, practices, games.... you name it!

However, with all of "life" that happens you still have to make time for yourself! When did you decide that you weren't important enough to give yourself just 30 minutes a day!?! When you get to the point where I was when you feel so badly about how you feel, then you will finally decide enough is enough. No more excuses. No more whining, but changing the "I can't" mentality to the "I WILL" mentality.

I will tell you that when I made the change to help myself I gained my confidence back. I gained my strength back. I remembered that I needed to build up my inside first before I could show it on the outside. My time with God was vital. Still to this day, I start my day with Him first. Then, the rest of life can happen and seems to much easier when I prioritize.

So, when will you start treating yourself differently? When will you show your body a little respect? Time is not a good enough excuse. I'd rather treat my body well and possibly have more time on earth with my family rather than ignoring it for years and having a shorter life span from treating it poorly. Just something to think about today :)

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