Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Magic To Weight Loss

Everyone wants to find the magic to weight loss. The one thing that will work for them! That's how I was. I had been busting my tail in the gym, had a trainer, and was eating only 1400 calories per day and still only lost 3 pounds after 6 months! Talk about feeling discouraged! I had lost weight with my other kids on weight watchers, but this go round things just weren't changing. I couldn't figure out why! I've never been a big breakfast person, so my cup of coffee always lasted me until lunch. I exercised like I should and felt like for all the time I spent in the gym I should be seeing better results. I needed to try something new. Something healthy, but something out of my norm. So, I contacted a friend who was doing a program that gave you a free coach along with the healthy eating and exercise. I thought, maybe if I had someone helping me along the way I would do better. So, at first I just started with my diet changes and actually began to eat MORE!!! Yep more food and I lost 6 pounds within that first few weeks. All of this time, I had been killing myself over workouts and starving and now here I was finally seeing results. Then I added the at-home dvd workouts. At first I thought I wouldn't like it because it would get boring. After all, I liked the gym interaction I got with people. However, I quickly realized that I was more bored in the gym than I was at home. I was spending twice as long in the gym than my workouts at home and that was not even including the drive time! Here I was doing these 25-40 minute workouts in my basement and loving the fact that I didn't have to go anywhere to get it done. As a mom of 5, time is so limited! Then...... the results! After a few months I was down 20 pounds!!! I remember little by little watching each pound go away. I remember the stress and frustration before when I did all of this without results and now here I was finally seeing the payoff! This is why I am so passionate about health coaching now. Not only am I helping other people, but I am continuing to reach closer and closer towards my goals. What a positive outcome to something so stressful to me before! I can't seem to share it enough because every time one of my customers shares their results with me I think.... how many more are out there stress, discouraged, and down just like I was? So, it's time for you! Forget about everything you have done to this point. It's time to start fresh! Try something completely different and let me help you gain back the confidence you lost!

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