Tuesday, September 16, 2014

10 Things You Need To Know

Have you ever tried so hard to reach your health goals only to feel like you are on a wild ride? You know.... one week you are sticking to all that you planned on and the next you have completely fallen off track. Well, I've been there too and I want to share 10 thing that you need to know in order to stick with it this time!

1. Pre-plan! Why is this so important? Well, you know when you say "I'm not going to eat any more Twinkies", but then you neglect to clean them out of your house before you start your health journey? That's preparation and planning!

You can't expect to look all of the junk food in the face when you are starving and be totally fine with turning them down. Eventually, but not at first.

So, CLEAN OUT the pantry!!!! No more hidden stashes of your favorite snacks and get serious about hitting those goals!

2. Schedule your workouts. When you know that you have a time set aside to get the job done then you are more likely to do it. So, plan your workouts. Is it during lunch hour? Is it early morning? Late night? When it comes to getting the workout done I'm not picky about when people get it in just that they get it in.

3. Accountability.... THIS IS HUGE PEOPLE! I failed miserably on my own. Until I found people to work with me and keep me going only then did I get to my goals faster. Find a friend online or someone who wants to work out with you in person. Keep it real. Talk about how you really did not how you wish you did with the workout and eating. Keeping in touch at least weekly is ideal!

4. Choose one thing to cut out of your diet or life and work to eliminate it. Too often I see people saying "I'm going to cut out all of ____ right away" and many times they fail. Why? Because we need a little progression sometimes. So, if it's bread. Cut it out for at least 1 -2 weeks before the next item. Baby steps to stay consistent and not overwhelm yourself.

5. Meal prep and planning. Did you know that if you are fine with eating similar foods throughout the week then you are more likely to succeed with your weight and health goals? What do I mean? Like I am totally fine eating oatmeal everyday or salads or chicken. Once you set up a weekly eating plan then you can prepare your meals ahead of time. For instance, I like to grill a huge pack of chicken at the beginning of the week and make it 5 different ways throughout the week. Or throw a roast in the crock pot and eat off of it for a while. Use the little Tupperware containers and portion off fruits and veggies. Plan out what snacks you are having. This will save a lot of stress throughout your week.

6. WATER! Don't forget the water! Did you know you are supposed to be drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water per day? Holy cow! I used to only drink like 1 glass of water, LOTS of coffee, and coke or tea! Oops! Now, I buy the 1 Liter bottles from the Dollar General for like 65 cents and refill them. Once I get 2 in I know I'm set. This is a great way to drop that retention or initial water weight. Don't skip this step!

7. Relax!! Find time for yourself and get some personal development in. For me that's my time with God first. Then, I find time to read books to help grow my business. Sometimes it's watching inspirational YouTube videos or webinars. You choose, but invest in yourself!

8. Sleep... Ahhh I love this one! I have the hardest time with this because I am up early and stay up late. I average about 5 hours a night, but give myself at least 1 or 2 days to catch up. We really need about 7 hours of sleep to allow our bodies to recover and stay healthy.

9. Stretch..... Don't forget this part! You can be working out all you want but you need to stretch. You want to be more flexible and loose not tight and in pain. Make sure at the end of each workout that you give yourself about 5 minutes of stretching.


10. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF - All of this is great, but if you have zero confidence in what you are doing you can easily fall off the wagon. I want to encourage you to write down 5 positive things about you. What things do you love about yourself. What dreams do you want to shoot for? KNOW that you are capable of conquering this! Then..... prove it!

Now go utilize these tools and get busy :)

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