Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Blended Family Encouragement

It is not uncommon today for people to have a blended family. It may be due to death or divorce, but no matter what we all need encouragement to help us and guide us. Steve and I have been married almost 7 years and merged from 2 to 4 kids. Then a few years later, we added one more to the gang! So here we are a BIG family of 7 and have daily struggles with our "blending".

Sometimes, it could be related to the different ways we parent and discipline... other days it can simply be being oversensitive to the circumstances. But, I can tell you that no matter what I can ALWAYS use some encouragement in this area. There are things I wish I could go back and do differently when we first got married. I was young. I didn't want to go through divorce. I didn't want to have a blended family. I didn't want to have to deal with ex-spouses for my entire life! haha

But, thankfully God's Word has given and continues to give me truth in how to handle my life and kids. Believe me, I've failed PLENTY of times, but I feel like what I want to share in this new Blended Family Devotional will help so many people. As I wrote this over a year ago, I cried through every page I typed. I poured out my own story which was super painful. It left me feeling like I had a big open wound that I was exposing to the world.

Little did I know what God had in mind. He truly inspired each page of this 30 day devotional. If I wasn't inspired, I didn't write. Now, I am watching and waiting to see what God has in store next. He has opened a BIG HUGE DOOR to publish this devotional and I am trusting Him along the way.

I've started the fundraising to pay for this to become a reality. I'd love for you to check out my page and if you feel led... donate to the ministry.


Thank you so much for all your support!

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