Thursday, September 18, 2014

How To Lose The Cellulite On Your Legs

That's it! My #1 part of my body that has always been "my issue" and my reason I refused to wear shorts for so long! My LEGS! Anyone else understand me on this? I started feeling this way in college and have struggled for years.

No matter what size I was or what exercise I did, I always felt I could never obtain that smooth texture on my legs. I always seemed to have some kind of rippling or dimpling somewhere that would seriously drive me insane. It got to the point where I would where capris only or pants even in the summer! In Florida, this was miserable!

Instead of feel like I did, let's give you a great solution! I was never a fitness freak or sporty kind of chick growing up. I always played a sport, but it's not like I lived for that. I ran in high school, but that was by accident. ha ha I wanted to do something just for fun that was different so I decided to do shot-put and discuss. Well, little did I know that it meant running with the team too! Not only did I get in the best shape ever, but I felt the most comfortable with myself. You know what else we did besides running?


LOTS of them!

So up and down the football field we would go with walking lunges and squats. That is what we are going to talk about today. In the last year, I have learned so much more not only about my body, but how to get the results I want to see. I started using hand weights with squats and lunges and that gave me the toning that I was looking for!

Right now I rotate between Brazil Butt Lift and 21 Day Fix workouts through Beachbody. Both incorporate this method and it's been awesome! (If you want more info contact me below) So, here are some of the things I do..... I think pictures will help.

Side lunge:

Sumo Squats:
Curtsy Lunges:
 (courtesy of


Do each exercise for 1 full minute on each leg. Then switch to the other leg. This is a great daily addition to your regular exercise. You will notice a difference after the first week or two. Make sure you take before pictures so you can compare as you go! Feel free to share them with me! I love to see results!

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