Friday, September 12, 2014

Top Beachbody Coaching Tips - How To Build A Strong Business

How many of you have started a business of some sort and then months to a year later it just fizzled? You may have thought that it was just a fad business or that no one wanted the products. Maybe you just decided you didn't want to push products or tools on people and just quit.

Well, I am here to tell you that if you have a long standing product or tool that you KNOW will help so many people.... the only thing holding you back is YOU!

Whoa whoa... you mean it's MY fault that I didn't succeed? Well, to say it gently...... yes :) Here, let me explain.

After reading more and more personal development books on leadership, building a strong business, network marketing, inviting, confidence, etc.... I have found one thing to ring true. If you are an entrepreneur and you are doing this business on your own then it is up to you to make it or break it. This is something I needed to learn right from the start. 

There are times that we feel the little piddly beginner steps can be skipped over. You know, like daily inviting, using the products yourself, sharing with people, reading and listening to personal development to learn about how you can improve. We may get so caught up on the futuristic plan or dollar signs that we often forget the small daily steps it takes for growth.  

Did you know for example with my own business that the 3 Vital Behaviors that I need to do daily can take as little as 15 minutes per day? Why not get that done before the other tasks if you know that it will push your growth?

Personal development I must say has been the biggest part of my growth thus far. I have got to not only believe in the business, but overall believe in ME and have the confidence I need to move forward. Don't get me wrong. This is not the easiest for me to do. I fail sometimes DAILY at many thing. I try new ways that flop. I think up some great idea that goes unnoticed, but it's what I do with that failure that counts!

Get up!

Move on!

Keep pushing!

Knowing that I have unlimited resources and unlimited potential drives me to do better. I have BIG dream and goals for me and my family. I want financial security. I want us to be debt free. We are moving in the right direction, but it's not a get rich quick scheme. It's my dedication and hard work that keeps me moving forward.

So think today..... why am I stuck in a rut? Are you blaming others for your lack of success? It's time to take a look in the mirror. Drop the negativity and write down 2 goals for this month that you want to reach. Write down your ideas and how you want to get there. 

I didn't become a Star Diamond Beachbody Coach overnight. It took me a year to get to where I am and despite any ups and downs I will push to reach those crazy goals I've set for myself. 

Are you ready to be a powerhouse? It all starts with you! Now..... get busy :) If you haven't started yet you can join my amazing team! Fill this out and I will contact you! 

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