Sunday, September 28, 2014

Crazy Messy Wonderful Life

Wow! I look back on my 33 years some days and wonder how in the world did I get through it all!

Ever feel that way? Maybe it's just this week! Or maybe you feel like you are stuck in a pit and can't get yourself out right now.

I've totally been there and fight this feeling almost every day at some point. As a mom, I make my schedule and try to keep up with all of the activities the week holds. Not including attempting to keep the house picked up, laundry done, doctor/dentist visits, bills, etc....

I can sit down at night most days and think... Did I even get ANYTHING accomplished??

As a mom of a blended family, I am hit by so many more issues to deal with on a weekly basis. Things that I'd rather not have to work through. I find myself desiring the "normal life" whatever that is :) Sometimes, I ask God why I have to handle situations over and over again that are a waste of time. I ask if I'm always going to have to put up with such negativity and drama. I ask "can I please get a break sometime soon!", but I know all in all He wants and desires the best for me and my family. I know that I am in this "pit" for a reason and that reason will ultimately glorify God. For now, I am just hanging on!

You see, we all have our struggles. Some may deal with health issues or financial struggles. Some of you may have addictions or depression. Others of you may have difficulties raising your family. BUT... no matter what you are dealing with just know that there is a God who cares so much for you. He wants the best in life for YOU! The question is are we giving Him our best?

Sure, I can totally get bummed with the little annoying things that get thrown my way. But, I need to give it up to Him and let Him guide me through it. My life will never be perfect. I can strive to be the best "Sam" I can be, but I'll never add up. There will always be someone or something reminding me that I've failed.

What is different for me is that I'm going to take my failures that I've tried to just shove in a box and I'm going to use them. I'm going to TALK about them! I'm going to let my failures help me produce more strength.

I have to take this a day at a time (sometimes an hour at a time) in order to make it through. But, no matter what I have got to say that God is so good and I am a blessed woman. I have a super sweet, big hearted, hunky husband who I love and 5 kids who hold my heart. No matter how messy our life gets or how crazy this mama may feel.... I know that God's plan for us is too good to even imagine.

So today, hold onto that hope. Wherever you are... however you are feeling today.... know that there is a bigger plan in the making. Be obedient to God and He will lead you and pull you through life's situations.

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