Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Detox Countdown!!

Ok so I may be the grumpiest person for the next 3 weeks or I may fool myself. Either way, I'm so determined to do this and do it right! So, if you are following me, I'm starting my 3 week detox with my hubby this Sunday. I have to wait to get through my 2 year old's birthday first and then will have 3 weeks with no agenda. This program is called the Ultimate Reset.... Here I'll show you >>>>>

This is the day it came in. I've been studying each part of it and trying to understand just what we are going to be doing. Otherwise, I will fail without prep work and it's not very cheap so I don't want to waste my time or hard earned money. This week I've been focusing on what I need to buy for food prep and how I'm going to do this. If I don't prep ahead of time and don't have the food ready, my hubby will be less likely to do it with me. So, I'm going to prepare all I can ahead the first week. The majority is fresh foods so that's the easy part. But, I will make the quinoa and some soups ahead and refrigerate it. There are also supplements that are taken throughout the day and at a certain time. I talked to my friend in Florida this weekend while I was there and she advised me on how to swallow some of them. I didn't realize one of them is basically like salt water. So, having someone you know that has already done this is great! I gag with salt water so I am going to mix 2 of the supplements together just to down it at once.
This week I'll be headed to the health food store to make sure I've got what I need. I can't wait to share this journey with you! I'll be weighing in prior to starting and will post a pic of that also. I'll be taking my measurements too even though I'm really not allowed to do workouts for the 3 weeks I know things are going to change! If you aren't following my blog on google+ make sure you do now! You don't want to miss out on this. If you are interested in finding out more for yourself just comment below! So long for today! :)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Spring Cleaning For Your Body - My Detox Prep Work

Have you ever tried to do a body detox? Well, I have bought some from GNC to do. You know those cayenne pepper, maple syrup and lemon water ones? YUCK! Couldn't get through it. I wanted a way that I could clean out my body of all the built up junk, but not make myself so sick in the process and not starve to death either!

My husband and I are going to be starting the Ultimate Reset 3 week long detox program. It comes with 6 supplements and you eat REAL food throughout the process. You eliminate all processed, packaged, and unnatural food sources. It will take some mental and physical prep work to do this so we are doing that now and I am making the food list for at least 3-4 days at a time. I'm cautious about buying the full week of food at a time since it's all organic and I don't want things to spoil before I eat them.

I want to share the entire process with you so you can understand just what it's all about. It's not a quick fix detox where you will only drink fluids for 3 days and "miraculously" lose 10 pounds and gain it all back. This will teach you about the foods you can eat and still fuel your body the right way. The 6 supplements that come with it that I will be taking include these:

DETOX: Helps remove toxins and waste in the colon

REVITALIZE: Helps revitalize flora in the digestive tract

ALKALINIZE - Helps maintain alkalinity and restores a healthy pH balance

MINERALIZE: Adds natural minerals needed by the body

SOOTHE: Helps enhance digestive health and reduce inflammation

OPTIMIZE: Promotes healthy metabolism and effective body function

Next, I'll be sharing the 3 phases of this cleanse and what each phase does. Make sure to be checking in with me all week!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Candy Overload

Oh my goodness!!! Has anyone totally botched your eating habits this weekend for a little chocolate bunny or maybe peeps? Maybe it was "all for the kids" but ended up getting mostly eaten by you! Haha Whatever the case, I have a solution. Let's eat clean for the next week and get back on board. I will share with you my weekly meal plan to help you follow along. I don't know about you but after not eating all of this food for so long then indulging today, I don't feel so hot. I'll most likely kick my week off to or row with a detox first.

It's funny! People think that I live and breathe fitness. If I did, I wouldn't have a life for one and two. I'd already be crazy fit! I'm human. Not a robot. I made the choice today to allow myself a cheat meal. It helps keep me sane and also keeps my cravings to a minimum. Then, like today, if I eat it and then feel sick afterwards most likely I will cheat less and less.

So this week here is what I am doing....

Monday - shakeology cleanse
Shake for breakfast
Shake for lunch
Chicken and broccoli stir fry for dinner

Tuesday -
Greek yogurt with fruit
Hummus and chicken lettuce wraps
Chicken fajita soup

Wednesday -
3 eggs, turkey, cheese, and salsa
Salad before church

Eggs and spinach
Pork roast and veggies, sweet potato fries, baked

Friday -
Greek yogurt with fruit
Lean hamburgers, no bread and grilled corn on cob or asparagus

I will drink at least 80 oz of water daily and have switched to tea with stevia in the mornings instead of coffee with creamer.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Chicken Chili - Only 5 Ingredients!

For all you crockpot lovers out there... I wanted to give you one of my recipes I make at home for my family. It's honestly made 100 different ways depending on what's in the pantry! :) But I thought you may want to try this out. It's a nice twist on your usual old chili.

White Chicken Chili

Chicken, ground ( I use 2 packages)
2 cans great northern beans
1 jar salsa verde
1 packet McCormick Chili seasoning

Brown the chicken and pour all ingredients in the crock pot and stir. Place on low heat until you are ready to eat.

Here is a yummy side.... it's a little southern comfort to go with the chili. I don't make this a lot because I could eat every bite, but try it sometime for a treat!

1 package of sweet corn bread mix
1/2 cup corn

Mix cornbread as directed and pour corn in with it. Stir well. Instead of making into muffins or in a pan.... Spray a pancake pan and cook flat like pancakes. Makes more for the family this way. Serve with chili. The kids will love it! Mine like to drizzle a little honey over them and devour them!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Dinner Dash

Today has been crazy! From taxes to bills onto work, track meets, preplanning dinner, homework, etc.... Life can get a little hectic can't it. But, my goal here is to help you plan ahead so we don't ruin all the hard work we've done up to this point! I honestly don't want a McD's burger or fries like I used to. Now a days it hurts my belly since I haven't had them in so long. So... want to know what's for dinner tonight?

Since we are on the go I've utilized the handy dandy crock pot! I love that thing especially on nights like tonight! So, this weekend I found some Boston Butt Roast on sale. We have to get pretty big roasts to feed this gang so it's nice to find them cheaper. Here is how I made it today:

I added 1 large can of green chile sauce
2 T garlic, minced
1 diced onion
and if you like a big kick add a few jalapeƱos

Let it sit all day in the crockpot on low heat from morning on.....

Tonight I will serve it with a salad... WHY? because it's EASY and that's the key for this Monday night lol

I'm working on more menu items coming soon. Anything you would like to see?

Friday, April 11, 2014

What's For Dinner?

Ok so it's time to jump back on the meal wagon! I've been down with a stomach virus and of course you don't want to eat or cook at that time haha But, I'm back now with some yummy CLEAN EATING meal ideas I found on Pinterest. Looks so good I'm going to have to try this and I think you should also!

First of all.... I love bread and so do my kiddos. I have to eat in moderation, but it would be nice to try these since they are gluten free and grain free! Great for vegan, clean eater, or anyone who wants to watch their food choices! You can check it out on http://myrecipemagic.com/recipe/recipedetail/paleo-dinner-rolls but here is the recipe:

Paleo Dinner Rolls

1 cup tapioca starch
1/2 cup coconut flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup warm water
1/2 cup olive oil
1 egg, whisked

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Combine the tapioca flour (you can substitute arrowroot flour/starch) with the salt and 1/4 cup of the coconut flour in a medium bowl. Mix well. 
  3. Pour in oil and warm water and stir. Add the whisked egg and continue mixing until well combined.
  4. If the mixture is too thin you should add one or two more tablespoons of coconut flour – one tablespoon at a time – until the mixture is a soft but somewhat sticky dough.
  5. Use a spatula or large spoon to scoop out about two tablespoons of the dough and roll into balls. You will be making about 10 rolls. Use extra tapioca flour in the palms of your hands so the dough does not stick.
  6. Place each roll of dough onto a greased baking pan or parchment paper
Bake for 35 min. Makes 10 rolls.

And for the main course let's try PALEO SQUASH BOATS

I've never tried spaghetti squash before and I love pesto so maybe it will be a yummy combo!

http://sweetcsdesigns.com/paleo-squash-pesto-spaghetti/2/ lists the full directions or you can follow below.
1 spaghetti squash, halved and de-seeded
4 cloves garlic
1 T olive oil

After halving and de-seeding the squash toss with olive oil and garlic. Bake on 350 degrees for an hour. Rake with fork to create spaghetti. Pull skin away from squash. Top with pesto and serve.

Here is the pesto sauce recipe I use:
2 cups basil leaves
1/2 cup pine nuts
2 cloves garlic
1/2 cup olive oil

Mix all but olive oil in food processor then add olive oil last.

Let me know how you like these recipes!! :)
  • 1 spaghetti squash, halved and de-seeded
  • 4 cloves of garlic, diced
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil, divided

  • Read more at http://sweetcsdesigns.com/paleo-squash-pesto-spaghetti/#HLph2QGDK1qbDQUV.99
  • 1 spaghetti squash, halved and de-seeded
  • 4 cloves of garlic, diced
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil, divided

  • Read more at http://sweetcsdesigns.com/paleo-squash-pesto-spaghetti/#HLph2QGDK1qbDQUV.99
    1    cup    tapioca starch
    1/2    cup    coconut flour
    1    teaspoon    sea salt
    1/2    cup    water ( warm )
    1/2    cup    olive oil
    1    eggs ( large, whisked )

    Read more at http://myrecipemagic.com/recipe/recipedetail/paleo-dinner-rolls#B5J3LUE9keIU7HDo.99
    1    cup    tapioca starch
    1/2    cup    coconut flour
    1    teaspoon    sea salt
    1/2    cup    water ( warm )
    1/2    cup    olive oil
    1    eggs ( large, whisked )

    Read more at http://myrecipemagic.com/recipe/recipedetail/paleo-dinner-rolls#B5J3LUE9keIU7HDo.99
    1    cup    tapioca starch
    1/2    cup    coconut flour
    1    teaspoon    sea salt
    1/2    cup    water ( warm )
    1/2    cup    olive oil
    1    eggs ( large, whisked )

    Read more at http://myrecipemagic.com/recipe/recipedetail/paleo-dinner-rolls#B5J3LUE9keIU7HDo.99

    Thursday, April 10, 2014

    Swimsuits and Summertime!

    Ok! This post is for the ladies today! When I first started my new health routine, my very first workout was Brazil Butt Lift. Yes, I know I kind of laughed at the name of it too! But, it is an awesome workout and it is fun! It is full of Latin music and dancing, but totally targets your core, booty, and legs. I saw a HUGE improvement after I completed this workout! Not only that, but have you ever heard of the "pencil test"? You know where you put a pencil under your "cheek" and see if it stays or not. Well, before the workout let's just say that the pencil was not going anywhere! haha BUT..... after I did the workouts and shakes for a month, I had lifted so much the pencil no longer stayed in place. Some women do this workout to decrease the size and some do it to lift their small bottoms. So.... I am having a "booty camp" starting the last Monday of the month and I would love for you to join me and try this out. Just in time for the summer and the beach! This is on sale through the end of the month and I'm telling you it's awesome! So, if you are wanting to join my all women's group here online... just comment below or find me on Facebook and message me and I'll get you started. You can also go on my website at www.samaraashley.com and fill out the CONTACT ME info. I look forward to helping you reach some great results!

    Monday, April 7, 2014

    Don't Be Discouraged!

    Ok, so today was one of those days! You work so hard to push towards your dreams and goals and BAM! You get sideswiped  by something you did not expect! Yep, you know what I mean. Ok, so my major goal is to be a stay at home mom! This has been a dream for a LONG time and my kids aren't getting any younger. I have been building my business, helping my customers, and striving for my best in all that I do.

    Over the last few years, we have been struggling with major medical bills. My first goal before I can be at home is to pay off ALL debt except our home. That can go later. So, we have made it from $15,000 down to $9,000 until today. Months and months later, we got a bill for over $8000 today. A NEW BILL! Can you tell how my spirit totally changed. It's funny because this morning I posted about joy. I truly believe what I wrote, but that doesn't make it easy. True joy comes from the Lord. Not people; not circumstances.

    Right now, I'm fighting as I type this. I'm wanting to throw my arms in the air and just let out a good scream! I want to just say "why am I even trying". I feel like I just took 10 steps backward to my dream. Anyone else there? Well, you are not alone! What I have to remember today is that life is not about MY timing. It's about God's timing. So I am clinging to this verse, Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on your own understaning. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths."

    So, even though my stomach is in knots over this..... I'm giving it over to God. I know I am doing what I am supposed to do and I know that He brought me to this point. He is not going to just let it all go. I am going to push.... I am going to work even harder..... I will not let this circumstance get me down! Sometimes, others may not understand your "why" or agree with what you are doing, but YOU CAN DO THIS! I hope this helps someone else today!

    Saturday, April 5, 2014

    T25 Exclusive Summer Slimdown Challenge Beginning Soon!

    Have you ever tried a workout with Shaun T? If not, it's time. If you are currently trying to lose weight, tone up, or just maintain great health I HIGHLY recommend you try T25 with me! It's only 25 minutes per day and is great for ramping up that cardio workout! These packages are on sale this month only and come with EVERYTHING you could need. You get one month of the mega nutritional Shakeology,  a quick start nutrition guide with yummy recipes, all of the workouts (a lot!!!!) which come in 2 phases, and ME as your coach for FREE!!! I run fun groups online monthly for all different fitness levels. T25 can help you get in the shape you desire for summer. So who's in with me? To find out more go to my website www.samaraashley.com and click on the BEACHBODY FITNESS tab at the top then FITNESS PROGRAMS. There you can find more information. You can also use the contact me tab on the website and I will be happy to answer any of your questions.

    I am accepting a limited number of applicants, so join me today!

    No Time....No Excuse

    Like many people, I find that my day is over before I can get my to do list completed. There are always things that come up that distract us. Well, for me it's been with my workout. I swear that my almost 2 year old has a huge mommy radar!!! I can't even roll over on bed without him knowing I've moved! Haha I was getting up early to complete my workout and quiet time, but that turned into play time with him. So, like many nights I found myself with my laptop in my room at 10:30pm completing it. Hey, whatever it takes. I'm dedicated to my customers. I can't tell them to do something that I'm not doing myself. I also have to reach my final goals and WILL get there! :) So, no matter how much time you "don't have"; you are still able to squeeze in 30 minutes and push yourself. No one can do this for you! Get yourself on track! I'm here to help if you want some accountability, but you have to be willing to take that first step.

    Wednesday, April 2, 2014

    Do You Want It Bad Enough?

    We all know that no matter how much people hear about greasy fast food that it will always be around and people will always continue to eat it. I'm amazed sometimes at people's comments to me. The other day I was sitting at a table and out of the blue someone came up to me and said "now don't you try to get me on that healthy bandwagon.... I love my food and I'm not into working out and shakes." I just sat there and smiled back not really knowing what I wanted to say except "ok!" :) I don't push people to change because I have found that if I have to convince you to take care of yourself then most likely you aren't going to stick with it.

    You see I was miserable.... way overweight and had zero energy. Sure, I could keep using the excuse "I just had a baby" but in reality he was already over a year old and by this point I was usually well on my way to my previous size. Until one day, when I decided enough was enough..... THEN, I did something about it.

    I am trying to help others NOW before they have this same issue. No, I don't just reach out to people who need to lose. I reach out to anyone who wants to get healthy or maintain their healthy lifestyle. I have people I work with who are already in a healthy weight, but maybe want to do more with their eating habits. Then I have others who may be morbidly obese. Whatever it is, we all struggle. I love this opportunity to show others how I've gotten to where I am and give them the tools they need to succeed.

    So, back to the food issue. Fast food is just WAY too easy to run in and get. So, what I want to share with you today is that if you are making the choice to drive thru that you start making a healthier choice off the menu. People joke all of the time about McDonald's salads or fruit etc..., BUT I'd rather see someone order the salad then a big meal deal with large drink and fries right?! I get salads from there when we have to go out. Sometimes, it's all you can do if you didn't prepare ahead of time. So, next time you go through a fast food joint, see if you can't start making wiser food choices. Yes, it's a little step, but sometimes slow and steady is better than flipping your life upside down and not sticking with it.

    I'm enjoying my time with my customers and watching them succeed. I'd love to help you also. Feel free to comment below and I will be more than happy to get you information for whatever goals you may have! Have a great day!

    Tuesday, April 1, 2014

    Summer Workout Sales Packages

    Before you pack up that swimsuit this summer, why not get beach ready with me?! Over the last few years, summer time was not my favorite because I knew I would have to at some point wear a bathing suit and possibly shorts. Of course, my shorts were always capris because since college I didn't want to be caught wearing them in public. I was so self conscious! I don't want to hide anymore behind thick clothes in the heat of the summer! Growing up in Florida, you had no choice but to wear shorts and tank tops. It got HOT! So, now I want to feel my best and be COMFORTABLE finally!!!

    Here are some incredible package deals going on starting today, April 1st! First of all, I have used both of these workouts and they are equally great! I recommend the Brazil Butt Lift for beginners and the T25 package for more intermediate exercisers. Here is some info you may want to know....

    Targets you legs, booty, and abs. I used this one when I first got started and loved it. It's more dance style and you have fun while you shed the weight and inches. It comes with an exercise band, nutrition guide, all workouts, and a month supply of shakeology. The workouts are between 25-45 minutes each.

    This is more hard core cardio. You do a lot of jumping, so for anyone with joint issues I wouldn't recommend this one. It is high impact and there are 2 phases: Alpha and Beta. This program is 90 days and all workouts are just 25 minutes per day. Targets your entire body. Shawn T is a great motivator and keeps you going.

    So for $5-$7/day, you can now revamp your workouts and get that body you have been wanting. Check out my page today at www.beachbodycoach.com/ashleycrew and contact me for more info. I have groups online for additional support if you would like to join a group. Also there are CASH prizes for sending in your before/after photos. You can win from $100 - $100,000 if you are chosen. This is a lot of fun and a different way to get out of the usual funk of gym workouts. Join me today!