Monday, April 21, 2014

Spring Cleaning For Your Body - My Detox Prep Work

Have you ever tried to do a body detox? Well, I have bought some from GNC to do. You know those cayenne pepper, maple syrup and lemon water ones? YUCK! Couldn't get through it. I wanted a way that I could clean out my body of all the built up junk, but not make myself so sick in the process and not starve to death either!

My husband and I are going to be starting the Ultimate Reset 3 week long detox program. It comes with 6 supplements and you eat REAL food throughout the process. You eliminate all processed, packaged, and unnatural food sources. It will take some mental and physical prep work to do this so we are doing that now and I am making the food list for at least 3-4 days at a time. I'm cautious about buying the full week of food at a time since it's all organic and I don't want things to spoil before I eat them.

I want to share the entire process with you so you can understand just what it's all about. It's not a quick fix detox where you will only drink fluids for 3 days and "miraculously" lose 10 pounds and gain it all back. This will teach you about the foods you can eat and still fuel your body the right way. The 6 supplements that come with it that I will be taking include these:

DETOX: Helps remove toxins and waste in the colon

REVITALIZE: Helps revitalize flora in the digestive tract

ALKALINIZE - Helps maintain alkalinity and restores a healthy pH balance

MINERALIZE: Adds natural minerals needed by the body

SOOTHE: Helps enhance digestive health and reduce inflammation

OPTIMIZE: Promotes healthy metabolism and effective body function

Next, I'll be sharing the 3 phases of this cleanse and what each phase does. Make sure to be checking in with me all week!

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