Monday, April 7, 2014

Don't Be Discouraged!

Ok, so today was one of those days! You work so hard to push towards your dreams and goals and BAM! You get sideswiped  by something you did not expect! Yep, you know what I mean. Ok, so my major goal is to be a stay at home mom! This has been a dream for a LONG time and my kids aren't getting any younger. I have been building my business, helping my customers, and striving for my best in all that I do.

Over the last few years, we have been struggling with major medical bills. My first goal before I can be at home is to pay off ALL debt except our home. That can go later. So, we have made it from $15,000 down to $9,000 until today. Months and months later, we got a bill for over $8000 today. A NEW BILL! Can you tell how my spirit totally changed. It's funny because this morning I posted about joy. I truly believe what I wrote, but that doesn't make it easy. True joy comes from the Lord. Not people; not circumstances.

Right now, I'm fighting as I type this. I'm wanting to throw my arms in the air and just let out a good scream! I want to just say "why am I even trying". I feel like I just took 10 steps backward to my dream. Anyone else there? Well, you are not alone! What I have to remember today is that life is not about MY timing. It's about God's timing. So I am clinging to this verse, Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on your own understaning. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths."

So, even though my stomach is in knots over this..... I'm giving it over to God. I know I am doing what I am supposed to do and I know that He brought me to this point. He is not going to just let it all go. I am going to push.... I am going to work even harder..... I will not let this circumstance get me down! Sometimes, others may not understand your "why" or agree with what you are doing, but YOU CAN DO THIS! I hope this helps someone else today!

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