Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Detox Countdown!!

Ok so I may be the grumpiest person for the next 3 weeks or I may fool myself. Either way, I'm so determined to do this and do it right! So, if you are following me, I'm starting my 3 week detox with my hubby this Sunday. I have to wait to get through my 2 year old's birthday first and then will have 3 weeks with no agenda. This program is called the Ultimate Reset.... Here I'll show you >>>>>

This is the day it came in. I've been studying each part of it and trying to understand just what we are going to be doing. Otherwise, I will fail without prep work and it's not very cheap so I don't want to waste my time or hard earned money. This week I've been focusing on what I need to buy for food prep and how I'm going to do this. If I don't prep ahead of time and don't have the food ready, my hubby will be less likely to do it with me. So, I'm going to prepare all I can ahead the first week. The majority is fresh foods so that's the easy part. But, I will make the quinoa and some soups ahead and refrigerate it. There are also supplements that are taken throughout the day and at a certain time. I talked to my friend in Florida this weekend while I was there and she advised me on how to swallow some of them. I didn't realize one of them is basically like salt water. So, having someone you know that has already done this is great! I gag with salt water so I am going to mix 2 of the supplements together just to down it at once.
This week I'll be headed to the health food store to make sure I've got what I need. I can't wait to share this journey with you! I'll be weighing in prior to starting and will post a pic of that also. I'll be taking my measurements too even though I'm really not allowed to do workouts for the 3 weeks I know things are going to change! If you aren't following my blog on google+ make sure you do now! You don't want to miss out on this. If you are interested in finding out more for yourself just comment below! So long for today! :)

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