Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Use Your Hair As A Headband - Tutorial

If you have long enough hair, then you know sometimes you just want it out of your face. Mine is to the point where I love to where cute headbands, but sometimes want a different look. So today, I braided my own hair and made it into a headband. It took about 5 minutes to do. Super easy!

Now I want to show you how to do it.

What you will need:
tiny hair rubber bands (like the braces kind)
bobby pins

Follow picture for step by step directions

1. Pull middle of hair back and secure.
2. section off one side and do a very tight braid. Secure with rubberband.
3. Repeat on other side.
4. Spray and "poof" center piece as you prefer.
5. Wrap one braid across head to your desired spot. Secure with bobby pin.
6. Repeat and secure other side.
7. Spray and style remaining hair (sorry didn't style mine for you) :)

Voila! You are done!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Crockpot Recipe: Quick Chicken Chili - Clean Eating

You asked and I'm delivering :)

If you know me well enough... you know that I need QUICK and EASY recipes for my family of 7! We are always on the go with church, sports, music lessons, etc... I LOVE my crockpot and need to use it more often! Now that it's already 32 degrees here in the blue ridge mountains, I want something HOT for dinner.


Here is my recipe for Sam's Chicken Chili (of course I'm adding my name to it haha)

2 packs ground chicken
2 T minced garlic
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 large can natural tomato sauce
1 large can black beans (watch ingredients)
1 large can great northern beans
1 large can of chili beans or pintos
1 medium chopped onion
1 can chopped green chilies
1 teaspoon Mexican chili powder
1 teaspoon pepper

Hot sauce

Put all ingredients (except topping) in crockpot and cook on high for 4 hours. Stir occasionally.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Eating Healthy - Weekly Menu To Eat Clean

Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! I told you all earlier HORMONES ARE THE DEVIL! haha I was SO close to my personal goal and now took a step backwards due to the side effects I got from the medication the doctor put me on. So, that means I just need to take my health and kick my habits up a notch to compensate for the added "cushion" I've got now.


I'm entering the BEAST MODE now and pushing myself to higher standards. No more cheat meals for the next few weeks until I see changes in my energy, weight, and overall health.

Have you ever been there? Had something change and knew you were going to have to make changes to feel better?

Ok here we go!

For the next few weeks, I'm implementing an "eating similar" plan. This means that I will not have ANY guess work into my foods. No questioning "oh what will I eat today?" No going through the drive thru just because I "don't have anything at home". Nope, it's time to crack down on the craziness!

Here are my routine foods this week:

Breakfast: 1/2 cups oats cooked with water, berries of my choice, and topped with a little stevia or honey

Snack: apple or banana (can have a tablespoon of natural peanut butter if I want)

Lunch: SHAKEOLOGY - I have drank this every day for over a year and LOVE how it makes me feel (if you don't know what it is ask me)

Snack: Veggies and hummus or 10 almonds (natural/no salt)

Dinner: Here is my dinner menu for this week

Monday - Chicken Chili - Ground chicken, northern beans, pintos, tomato sauce, spices
Tuesday - Veggie Stir Fry - add meat for my family (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, water chestnuts)
Wednesday - Family eats at church so I will have a Shakeology to be easy since I'll be running out the door
Thursday - Turkey burgers or Venison
Friday - Taco night
Saturday - Grilled chicken with roasted veggies
Sunday - Shakeology for dinner instead of lunch

Make a menu and stick with it. Everything I make takes less than 30 minutes for dinner so even if I don't prep anything during the day.... who cares! It can still be done! Feeding 7 people is no easy task. We NEVER have leftovers for me to eat the next day no matter how much I make. So do what works best for you :) Hope this helps! You can also check out my CLEAN EATING page on pinterest for more recipes.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

OPERATION: Destroy That Muffin Top

Kill the muffin top!!!! Next month I'm hosting a 3 week Belly Buster Group for WOMEN ONLY :)


This group will include a 10 minute DAILY ab workout you will commit to at home.

Requirements for the group:
1. Register for a free acct with me
2. Be willing to post BEFORE and AFTER belly pics
3. Commit to doing the workout EVERY day for 3 weeks

That's it!

If you are like me and have a stubborn belly, then I'd love to have you in this fun group with me!
Whether it's due to pregnancies, C-sections, weight fluctuation, surgeries, etc.... it doesn't matter. I need some fun accountability for this one!

We will kick off November 3rd!

Absolutely FREE!

Who wants in? CLICK HERE to register!!!!

Tired Mom - How To Increase Your Energy Level

Last year, I had ZERO energy!


I could have easily stayed in bed for days because I always felt sooooo tired! I have 5 kids and they all needed me. I worked a 40+ hour/week RN job, was building a business of my own, served at our church, and was trying to juggle it all on little to NO energy!

Pretty much it made me feel miserable!

Not only that, but I was 40 pounds overweight. I was discouraged. Dragging. Just trying to push through each day.

THEN... one day I stumbled upon a new health program (to me). I had tried EVERYTHING on my own. But, I was missing a KEY link..... ACCOUNTABILITY. I needed support! I couldn't seem to do this on my own.

So, I did it! I sold some "stuff" that I didn't need from my home and had the $$ set aside. I bought the program on my credit card and just went all in. I was scared to death and I was tired of failing. I didn't want to try anything else and not get results. I HATE wasting money and time.

I got my Beachbody package in the mail and started my journey. Within 2 DAYS I had more energy! The feeling was amazing because I was now giving my body the nutrients it needed to make it through the craziness! Within 2 weeks, I was down 6 POUNDS!!! Checkout my facebook page and you will see my transformation.

Now 31 pounds later, I am excited to say that it has made a world of difference not only in my life, but in my family's life. I am that mom that is active. I am that mom that can hop out of bed! I even started to wake up earlier and earlier and now can get up at 5am and get my day going without dreading it.

If you are one of those moms who feels so drained... I would LOVE to help you too! Please find me on facebook. I love new friends and will be glad to walk you through your own transformation!

Make the change today!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

How To Make Liquid Eye Liner At Home

Save your old liquid liner container!!!!

You won't want to continue paying $7 or more for this makeup when you can simply make it at home in an all natural way! When I was researching how to make this.... I wanted it to be with things I already had in my home. I didn't want to have to go buy ingredients!


I found this recipe which is super simple....

2 teaspoons coconut oil
4 teaspoons aloe vera gel
1-2 capsules activated charcoal (for black)
OR 1/2 teaspoon cocoa powder for brown

mix ingredients and put into your old container.

I haven't needed to make this one yet, but can't wait! Just another way I can help cut cost in my budget!!!!!

Keep following me for more awesome ideas!

Friday, October 17, 2014

How To Make Loose Powder Makeup At Home

Ok ladies! I don't know about you, but I am sooooo tired of paying WAYYY too much money for makeup. Let me say this...I do care about keeping my skin as wrinkle free as possible, but not by lathering all kinds of expensive makeup or creams all over me! :)

So, my 10 year-old had made me some homemade lip gloss back a few months ago and I decided that I would make some homemade loose powder! After all, it's over $11 whether I get pressed or loosed and I don't feel like paying that anymore. What did I do? Oh you know, just decided to make it myself!


I used household ingredients to make it and have been using it for a few months now and LOVE IT!

So here is what I do!


Super easy! I got the containers off Amazon for super cheap and even plan on making this for my family as gifts. Not only does it work, but it smells yummy!

You simply fill the container half full with baby powder then add cinnamon and test on your skin as you go until you have a match!

Now, get to it and let me know how you love it!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014


I am super excited to be hosting a 7 day clean eating group via Facebook next week! I didn't know what in the world CLEAN EATING was when I got started on my health journey, but I am learning more and more as time goes on.

Over all, I am simply trying to be the healthiest me. I want to help you do the same and show you what a huge difference it makes when you fill your body with clean foods.

So, if you are ready to join this FREE group make sure you sign up on my facebook page. Go to www.facebook.com/ashleycrew and send me a private message to join. Simply type "join clean eating group" and I will get you all the info.

I will be posting all information as we go along with menus and calendars to use in order to prep for the week ahead. This group will solely be focused on eating NOT exercise. Last few days to hop in!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Quick Healthy Snacks

Every need a quick snack on the go and know you REALLY don't want any prep time? Well, here are a few things you can do to have things ready for the quick grab. If you are like me, I don't have enough time in the day to handle everything I need to do and can often leave myself starving and wanting to go through the drive thru.


Here are some ideas.....

No prep:
Almonds - natural no salt (10)

A little prep:
- 3/4 cup nonfat Greek yogurt, berries, sliced almonds, touch of agave nectar or honey
- hummus and veggies
- Shakeology (keeps you full longer)
- 1/2 wrap (whole wheat tortilla, roasted red pepper hummus, turkey, lettuce)
- mason jar salad (romaine, strawberries, blue cheese, vinaigrette)
- Chicken salad (cubed chicken breast, 2T greek nonfat yogurt, grapes cut, chopped pecans)

So, next time you are ready to smell like a greasy burger... try one of these alternatives!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Working Out With No Results

I've been talking to a friend lately about the discouragement of working out without seeing your hard work pay off. That was totally me last year. I was at the gym numerous days a week and had a trainer. I was seeing some toning, but not weight loss. You know why? One simple word..... NUTRITION!

I was not eating enough AND I was not eating the right foods. What I thought was the "healthier" choices just weren't right for me! That's when I started drinking Shakeology. I realized also my body was lacking the vitamins and nutrients that I needed to get my body on track. I've been drinking this for the last year as a meal a day and have seen amazing results!

This doesn't mean that you have to drink a shake to have results, but for those of you who struggle with food like I do; it was a lifesaver! I am a mom with 5 kids on the go and don't always prep like I should to make sure I always have the foods to make at home. This mostly happens during the day more so than anything. So, it takes me a whopping 30 seconds to make my Shakeology and I go!

As far as the rest of the day, I've found that the small, frequent meals work best for me. Small portions of fruit, protein, healthy fats, and more. Then I top it all off with lots of water... at least 1/2 my body weight in ounces of water every day!

So, if you need help let me know and I can help walk you through changing your eating habits.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Why I Quit My Job - A Mom's Journey To Stay At Home Life

For 10 years now, I have worked the HARDEST job of my life....motherhood. Nursing school was CAKE compared to life as a mom. Sure I didn't have to go to class, study books, take tests, and pass a hands on program, but I sort of wished I had all of this to help guide me. :)

When I was 23, I had my first daughter. Hailey was a strong willed and difficult baby and sure gave me a run for it as a new mom. She was colicky for 3 months and screamed from 5pm until she would finally wear herself out. After that, I'm surprised I wanted another. It was such a hard road as a new parent and I had MANY times where I would just cry or scream in my pillow. My poor mom had to guide me through this time as a new mom and I am so thankful she was there with me.

At 25, I welcomed Avery Lane. She was the total opposite. She was easy to get into a routine and was very laid back. After she was born, I desired even more to stay at home full time. I had quit my job in Florida when we moved to Tennessee (at 8 months prego) and didn't really have a need for a second job. Unfortunately, I didn't have a "choice" in my current situation and was back working at Johnson City Medical Center 3-4 days a week while the girls were in daycare right next to the hospital. Of course, it was a great plan since they were so close, but I just really wanted to be mom and not leave them for the long shifts with someone else.

Then, my life took a drastic turn. I went from married mom of two to a single mom. I went from the blanket of security to diving into the scary unknown. Not only did I desperately NEED a good job, but now I depended on it. I moved out to the mountains of NC, but had a really hard time finding work. I would pick up whatever nursing job I could find. Still through it all, I longed for a break. I wanted to be home with my girls.

As time passed, I later found myself falling in love again. Steve and I had so much in common. Both parents of 2 kids with the same "story" of brokenness. After merging from a family of 3 to 6, once again I was reminded that my dreams of staying home were slim to none. After going through loss of jobs, unemployment, and major health crisis, I was glad to have a good nursing job to hold us up through it.

A few years went by and we added onto our family and became the "Yours, Mine, and Ours" family. Levi was born in May 2012. After a few months, it was time to return to work. By this time, I worked from home, but still had a set schedule, time clock, and set breaks. Even though it was the best job and I got to be home, it just wasn't the same. I had to continually push my kids aside to be on the phone or computer. I couldn't have "interruptions" on my work time.

One day, a few months ago, my hubby came home. He said with a very serious voice "we need to talk." (Men don't ever do that to your wife) He said he felt like God was telling him it's time for me to stay home full time. Believe me, I was so excited, but scared to death at the same time. After all, we had a family now of 7!!! The amount of medical debt was growing rapidly and the bills were coming in. BUT... I knew that if God was behind this then it would all work out.

So, I gave my 2 week notice and started my life at home. I had a small side business that had grown through health coaching which I really enjoyed. So, I would work that business in the early morning hours before anyone would get up and late at night when they would sleep. I had all of these dreams of what stay at home life would be like. Clean house, laundry done, dishes done, meals planned, etc... little did I know that a 2 1/2 year old little boy needed my complete and undivided attention at all times.

When he gets his nap, I have to work quickly to try to get as much done as possible, but honestly some days I am so exhausted from chasing him that I just take a nap right with him! I don't know how people do it with daycares or multiple small children. My older 4 kids are 8, 10, 11, and 14 so they are super independent.

Why am I saying all of this? Because I want moms to know that it is OK that we don't have it all together. I don't need to be a perfect mom. I want my kids to know they are loved. I want to make sure I am helping provide the best for them that we can. I want them to know how to grow in their walk with the Lord first and foremost.

We all fail.

We all fall short.

But, I can say that this has been by far the best decision for my family. Whether you work or stay at home... both are super important. There are all types of moms. This is just what we felt was right for our crew. Don't beat yourself up over what's not getting done. Take the time to implement life long lessons. Tell them how much you love them. Guide by example. Be the best mom you can be!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Fall Into Fitness

As we all know, Fall can be a trying time to stay on the healthy kick. With pumpkin spiced everything, pies, and all the baked goods and candies.... it's so hard to say no! So why not combat all that food with a fun exercise group on Facebook to keep you accountable?

I along with a team of health coaches are going to run a larger accountability group. It's a test group for the new P90 Beachbody workout. This program is AWESOME and can be used at any level of fitness.

The group will start October 20th and the cut off date to join is the 13th!

What does the group involve?

  • It's a daily post with motivation and encouragement to keep you going.

  • It's healthy food tips and fitness tips.

  • A team of health coaches who have done these programs themselves and love to help others reach their own fitness and health goals.

This is exactly how I lost my first 30 pounds and have kept it off for the past year!

Ready to make a change? Don't fall into the foodie trap! :) Email me at ashleycrew7@gmail.com for more info!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How Do Busy Women Eat Healthy?

Oh my! I just have to say that FOOD is my weakness when it comes to my health. There really isn't much that I don't like. However, if you have any kind of health/fitness goals then learning how to eat healthy is vital. You can't workout all of the time and expect to have awesome results if the nutrition doesn't add up.

So, what can we do? Accountability has been EVERYTHING to me in my journey as I've been losing weight and feeling better. However, I need to step it up with the food portion. I would LOVE to have you along the way as we learn about clean eating.

What it is?

How much can I eat?

How will I be able to stick with it?

What about menu/meal planning?

I will go over all of these questions and we can keep each other on track along the way. I have another 5 pound goal I'd love to meet and I know with your help we can do this together! What kind of goals do you have?

If food has been an issue in your life, then let's get together! Comment below and let me know if you want to join this free group! I can't wait to get started!

Blended Family Encouragement

It is not uncommon today for people to have a blended family. It may be due to death or divorce, but no matter what we all need encouragement to help us and guide us. Steve and I have been married almost 7 years and merged from 2 to 4 kids. Then a few years later, we added one more to the gang! So here we are a BIG family of 7 and have daily struggles with our "blending".

Sometimes, it could be related to the different ways we parent and discipline... other days it can simply be being oversensitive to the circumstances. But, I can tell you that no matter what I can ALWAYS use some encouragement in this area. There are things I wish I could go back and do differently when we first got married. I was young. I didn't want to go through divorce. I didn't want to have a blended family. I didn't want to have to deal with ex-spouses for my entire life! haha

But, thankfully God's Word has given and continues to give me truth in how to handle my life and kids. Believe me, I've failed PLENTY of times, but I feel like what I want to share in this new Blended Family Devotional will help so many people. As I wrote this over a year ago, I cried through every page I typed. I poured out my own story which was super painful. It left me feeling like I had a big open wound that I was exposing to the world.

Little did I know what God had in mind. He truly inspired each page of this 30 day devotional. If I wasn't inspired, I didn't write. Now, I am watching and waiting to see what God has in store next. He has opened a BIG HUGE DOOR to publish this devotional and I am trusting Him along the way.

I've started the fundraising to pay for this to become a reality. I'd love for you to check out my page and if you feel led... donate to the ministry.


Thank you so much for all your support!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Crazy Messy Wonderful Life

Wow! I look back on my 33 years some days and wonder how in the world did I get through it all!

Ever feel that way? Maybe it's just this week! Or maybe you feel like you are stuck in a pit and can't get yourself out right now.

I've totally been there and fight this feeling almost every day at some point. As a mom, I make my schedule and try to keep up with all of the activities the week holds. Not including attempting to keep the house picked up, laundry done, doctor/dentist visits, bills, etc....

I can sit down at night most days and think... Did I even get ANYTHING accomplished??

As a mom of a blended family, I am hit by so many more issues to deal with on a weekly basis. Things that I'd rather not have to work through. I find myself desiring the "normal life" whatever that is :) Sometimes, I ask God why I have to handle situations over and over again that are a waste of time. I ask if I'm always going to have to put up with such negativity and drama. I ask "can I please get a break sometime soon!", but I know all in all He wants and desires the best for me and my family. I know that I am in this "pit" for a reason and that reason will ultimately glorify God. For now, I am just hanging on!

You see, we all have our struggles. Some may deal with health issues or financial struggles. Some of you may have addictions or depression. Others of you may have difficulties raising your family. BUT... no matter what you are dealing with just know that there is a God who cares so much for you. He wants the best in life for YOU! The question is are we giving Him our best?

Sure, I can totally get bummed with the little annoying things that get thrown my way. But, I need to give it up to Him and let Him guide me through it. My life will never be perfect. I can strive to be the best "Sam" I can be, but I'll never add up. There will always be someone or something reminding me that I've failed.

What is different for me is that I'm going to take my failures that I've tried to just shove in a box and I'm going to use them. I'm going to TALK about them! I'm going to let my failures help me produce more strength.

I have to take this a day at a time (sometimes an hour at a time) in order to make it through. But, no matter what I have got to say that God is so good and I am a blessed woman. I have a super sweet, big hearted, hunky husband who I love and 5 kids who hold my heart. No matter how messy our life gets or how crazy this mama may feel.... I know that God's plan for us is too good to even imagine.

So today, hold onto that hope. Wherever you are... however you are feeling today.... know that there is a bigger plan in the making. Be obedient to God and He will lead you and pull you through life's situations.

Friday, September 19, 2014

21 Day Fix Extreme and Insanity Max 30 Coming Soon!

I am so excited about the 2 brand spankin' new programs coming your way from our awesome Beachbody trainers! Both are incredibly proven to get you shredded  and in the best shape of your life using just 30 minutes a day.

You've heard of Insanity, but what about the new INSANITY MAX 30!!!! You LOVE Insanity.... what about a condensed 30 MINUTE workout with Shaun T that pushes you until you MAX OUT! Check out this awesome video! Make sure you register with me to get the latest info! See pic!


Also, 21 Day Fix Extreme! You have heard of 21 Day Fix right?! Only the best workout for those who also need help with the nutrition side. Well, Autumn is a bikini model who is ready to share ALL her secrets on how to get ripped in time for a body building competitions, pageants, an athletic event, or just because you want to be the strongest you can be!

Autumn shares with us her food secrets and takes the fitness up a notch to get those abs, arms, and legs that you've always wanted! I cannot WAIT!!!!

Check this out!


Make sure you register NOW with me to get the latest updates! Go to www.beachbodycoach.com/ashleycrew and click JOIN and fill out info. I'll be sending updates to my contact list only! Can't wait to get started!

Also, I run online accountability groups for when these come out so stay posted! Feel free to also add your email below in comments.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

How To Lose The Cellulite On Your Legs

That's it! My #1 part of my body that has always been "my issue" and my reason I refused to wear shorts for so long! My LEGS! Anyone else understand me on this? I started feeling this way in college and have struggled for years.

No matter what size I was or what exercise I did, I always felt I could never obtain that smooth texture on my legs. I always seemed to have some kind of rippling or dimpling somewhere that would seriously drive me insane. It got to the point where I would where capris only or pants even in the summer! In Florida, this was miserable!

Instead of feel like I did, let's give you a great solution! I was never a fitness freak or sporty kind of chick growing up. I always played a sport, but it's not like I lived for that. I ran in high school, but that was by accident. ha ha I wanted to do something just for fun that was different so I decided to do shot-put and discuss. Well, little did I know that it meant running with the team too! Not only did I get in the best shape ever, but I felt the most comfortable with myself. You know what else we did besides running?


LOTS of them!

So up and down the football field we would go with walking lunges and squats. That is what we are going to talk about today. In the last year, I have learned so much more not only about my body, but how to get the results I want to see. I started using hand weights with squats and lunges and that gave me the toning that I was looking for!

Right now I rotate between Brazil Butt Lift and 21 Day Fix workouts through Beachbody. Both incorporate this method and it's been awesome! (If you want more info contact me below) So, here are some of the things I do..... I think pictures will help.

Side lunge:

Sumo Squats:
Curtsy Lunges:
 (courtesy of mooshworld.com)


Do each exercise for 1 full minute on each leg. Then switch to the other leg. This is a great daily addition to your regular exercise. You will notice a difference after the first week or two. Make sure you take before pictures so you can compare as you go! Feel free to share them with me! I love to see results!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Whiter Teeth in 5 Minutes!


I don't like to miss a day without a good cup or two and I know that has a lot to do with discoloring my teeth. I always had super white teeth when I was younger, but it was due to using whitening trays from my dentist. You could probably see your reflection off my teeth at one point.

Now, I don't put money into keeping up white teeth, but have always wanted them to be as white as they once were without the added expense. So what did I do? Researched NEW ways to obtain the same amazing results without the sensitivity that I got from the whitening trays. I want to use something natural that is cheap.

So, I went out and got this.....

Activated Charcoal! I found it on sale for $7.99 at my local Earth Fare.

What is it? Good question! This is something that is used as a natural help for the following:


It is believed that this, when taken orally, can bind with toxins to help remove them from your body. It's also been said to whiten your teeth after brushing or swishing around for 5 minutes. Of course, I had to test this theory for myself and show the results to you!

Here is my picture from 1 use of activate charcoal.

Here's what I did:

1. Open capsule and pour half on toothbrush or right in your mouth and recap the rest.
2. Brush for 5 minutes
3. Rinse out mouth and brush teeth

That's it!!! How easy?

Some may want to know about taste. I was wondering the same, but there is absolutely NO taste to this. It was super easy to do and I didn't gag like I did with oil pulling. I can't handle some textures as well.

So try it for yourself! I'm super pleased with my results after one use!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

10 Things You Need To Know

Have you ever tried so hard to reach your health goals only to feel like you are on a wild ride? You know.... one week you are sticking to all that you planned on and the next you have completely fallen off track. Well, I've been there too and I want to share 10 thing that you need to know in order to stick with it this time!

1. Pre-plan! Why is this so important? Well, you know when you say "I'm not going to eat any more Twinkies", but then you neglect to clean them out of your house before you start your health journey? That's preparation and planning!

You can't expect to look all of the junk food in the face when you are starving and be totally fine with turning them down. Eventually, but not at first.

So, CLEAN OUT the pantry!!!! No more hidden stashes of your favorite snacks and get serious about hitting those goals!

2. Schedule your workouts. When you know that you have a time set aside to get the job done then you are more likely to do it. So, plan your workouts. Is it during lunch hour? Is it early morning? Late night? When it comes to getting the workout done I'm not picky about when people get it in just that they get it in.

3. Accountability.... THIS IS HUGE PEOPLE! I failed miserably on my own. Until I found people to work with me and keep me going only then did I get to my goals faster. Find a friend online or someone who wants to work out with you in person. Keep it real. Talk about how you really did not how you wish you did with the workout and eating. Keeping in touch at least weekly is ideal!

4. Choose one thing to cut out of your diet or life and work to eliminate it. Too often I see people saying "I'm going to cut out all of ____ right away" and many times they fail. Why? Because we need a little progression sometimes. So, if it's bread. Cut it out for at least 1 -2 weeks before the next item. Baby steps to stay consistent and not overwhelm yourself.

5. Meal prep and planning. Did you know that if you are fine with eating similar foods throughout the week then you are more likely to succeed with your weight and health goals? What do I mean? Like I am totally fine eating oatmeal everyday or salads or chicken. Once you set up a weekly eating plan then you can prepare your meals ahead of time. For instance, I like to grill a huge pack of chicken at the beginning of the week and make it 5 different ways throughout the week. Or throw a roast in the crock pot and eat off of it for a while. Use the little Tupperware containers and portion off fruits and veggies. Plan out what snacks you are having. This will save a lot of stress throughout your week.

6. WATER! Don't forget the water! Did you know you are supposed to be drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water per day? Holy cow! I used to only drink like 1 glass of water, LOTS of coffee, and coke or tea! Oops! Now, I buy the 1 Liter bottles from the Dollar General for like 65 cents and refill them. Once I get 2 in I know I'm set. This is a great way to drop that retention or initial water weight. Don't skip this step!

7. Relax!! Find time for yourself and get some personal development in. For me that's my time with God first. Then, I find time to read books to help grow my business. Sometimes it's watching inspirational YouTube videos or webinars. You choose, but invest in yourself!

8. Sleep... Ahhh I love this one! I have the hardest time with this because I am up early and stay up late. I average about 5 hours a night, but give myself at least 1 or 2 days to catch up. We really need about 7 hours of sleep to allow our bodies to recover and stay healthy.

9. Stretch..... Don't forget this part! You can be working out all you want but you need to stretch. You want to be more flexible and loose not tight and in pain. Make sure at the end of each workout that you give yourself about 5 minutes of stretching.


10. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF - All of this is great, but if you have zero confidence in what you are doing you can easily fall off the wagon. I want to encourage you to write down 5 positive things about you. What things do you love about yourself. What dreams do you want to shoot for? KNOW that you are capable of conquering this! Then..... prove it!

Now go utilize these tools and get busy :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

21 Day Fix Review and Results

Have you heard of the 21 Day Fix program through Beachbody?

Well, I'd love to share my review with you. I did 2 rounds of the 21 Day Fix. I lost a total of 21 inches over all my body and some weight, but I had already lost 30 pounds by this point with other Beachbody programs.  I was more interested in toning, tightening, lengthening.


  • The 30 minute daily workouts (so far my FAVORITE workouts yet)

  • The detailed meal plan

  • The RESULTS! - You can definitely SEE the differences within the first week of your body changing

I didn't do as well sticking with the meal guide after the first round. I found that I had a hard time eating as frequently, but did notice better results when I did follow the plan as directed.

So, you want to know how to get the BEST results with this program? You need to have accountability and join a group! I run them online so no matter where you live you can do this....IN YOUR OWN TIME.

All it takes is checking in once a day on a facebook group and posting (takes less than 5 minutes)

We post our "sweaty pic" post workout for accountability.

We talk about our food and what we've eaten and how we can do better. We are lifting each other up and encouraging others to push towards their own goals.

Not everyone wants to lose weight! Many people want to have a better quality life. They want to make healthier changes NOW and implement this as they age.

We have seen cholesterol levels drop, blood pressure levels decrease, heartburn go away, GI upset decrease, glucose levels stabilize and Hemoglobin A1C levels drop.

Not including the INCREDIBLE transformations including my own! Want to be a part of a growing group pushing towards a better self? Come join us! Fill out my form and let me help you get started! https://samaraashley.wufoo.com/forms/new-customer-profile/

How To Make Your Toilet Sparkle

All you people out there that actually clean your own toilets listen up! :) Whether you have well water or city water those annoying rings that are stained into the porcelain get sooooo annoying! I for one do NOT want to put my hand any deeper into the toilet than I have to, so I've asked many of my friends to share their secrets to a sparkly toilet bowl!

Yes, I'm totally serious! 5 years ago I may not have been interested in it, but in my 30's I'm totally wanting to have a clean, fresh, sparkly home. Does this always happen??

NO WAY!!! Try keeping up with 7 people in and out of the house all day. Sports clothes, school clothes, shoes, backpacks, toys, .... you name it!

So, I'm going to focus on finding new ways to keep things picked up and clean and I'll be sharing this with you!

So here are the ideas I was given:

Bleach left in the toilet overnight

Vinegar/Baking soda


Pumice stone

Dawn dish soap with vinegar and baking soda

Kaboom cleaner

Magic Eraser

This was just a FEW of the suggestions. I can't even begin to list all of the great ideas I was given. So, I needed to put this to the test. First the magic eraser. This was simple because it says to simply drop it in the toilet and leave it in overnight. I already had a magic eraser so I figured why not?!

I dropped it in the toilet and came back this morning to find..... the same ring around the toilet bowl. So, I had to stick my hand in the toilet to get it out (which I hate doing) and then went on to the next step!


Who would've thought! Luckily, I didn't have to go and buy one because I had a new one at home. It took about 2-3 minutes and I rubbed it all over the stains. Take a look at the pic!

Of course I still wanted the SPARKLE! Even though the ring was gone now I wanted it to smell fresh and clean. I also wanted that sparkly bowl look :)

So.... I found some KABOOM in the house and not only did it do the job, but it smells good too! AND.... My 2 year old thought the purple color was cool!

There you go! Easy quick way to a sparkly clean toilet! Now.... I have to go finish the other 3 toilets in the house.

A mom's job is NEVER done! Have an awesome day!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Top Beachbody Coaching Tips - How To Build A Strong Business

How many of you have started a business of some sort and then months to a year later it just fizzled? You may have thought that it was just a fad business or that no one wanted the products. Maybe you just decided you didn't want to push products or tools on people and just quit.

Well, I am here to tell you that if you have a long standing product or tool that you KNOW will help so many people.... the only thing holding you back is YOU!

Whoa whoa... you mean it's MY fault that I didn't succeed? Well, to say it gently...... yes :) Here, let me explain.

After reading more and more personal development books on leadership, building a strong business, network marketing, inviting, confidence, etc.... I have found one thing to ring true. If you are an entrepreneur and you are doing this business on your own then it is up to you to make it or break it. This is something I needed to learn right from the start. 

There are times that we feel the little piddly beginner steps can be skipped over. You know, like daily inviting, using the products yourself, sharing with people, reading and listening to personal development to learn about how you can improve. We may get so caught up on the futuristic plan or dollar signs that we often forget the small daily steps it takes for growth.  

Did you know for example with my own business that the 3 Vital Behaviors that I need to do daily can take as little as 15 minutes per day? Why not get that done before the other tasks if you know that it will push your growth?

Personal development I must say has been the biggest part of my growth thus far. I have got to not only believe in the business, but overall believe in ME and have the confidence I need to move forward. Don't get me wrong. This is not the easiest for me to do. I fail sometimes DAILY at many thing. I try new ways that flop. I think up some great idea that goes unnoticed, but it's what I do with that failure that counts!

Get up!

Move on!

Keep pushing!

Knowing that I have unlimited resources and unlimited potential drives me to do better. I have BIG dream and goals for me and my family. I want financial security. I want us to be debt free. We are moving in the right direction, but it's not a get rich quick scheme. It's my dedication and hard work that keeps me moving forward.

So think today..... why am I stuck in a rut? Are you blaming others for your lack of success? It's time to take a look in the mirror. Drop the negativity and write down 2 goals for this month that you want to reach. Write down your ideas and how you want to get there. 

I didn't become a Star Diamond Beachbody Coach overnight. It took me a year to get to where I am and despite any ups and downs I will push to reach those crazy goals I've set for myself. 

Are you ready to be a powerhouse? It all starts with you! Now..... get busy :) If you haven't started yet you can join my amazing team! Fill this out and I will contact you! https://samaraashley.wufoo.com/forms/coaching-application/ 

Monday, September 8, 2014

30 Minute Workouts - Are You Worth The Time?

Four years ago, I had unknowingly let bad food habits and lack of exercise creep in. You know.... it's super easy to let happen. You may have been like me... I had a great routine, but then something in life changed and I fell off the map. My workouts went from 5 a week to 0. My healthy eating turned into fast food runs as often as I wanted. 

I changed my thinking to make it "OK" because I just simply did not have time to give to my body. After all, I was a busy working mom of 5! Come on people! You can't expect me to keep it all up right?! What truly happened is that I just kept telling myself that I had so many good excuses why I wasn't taking care of myself. 

Then 3 years ago, I found out I was pregnant! I was sooooo happy to find out that I was having a little boy. However, in the back of my mind I couldn't help but thing "Man! I wish I hadn't kept this weight on before getting pregnant." Here I was in my 30's and I knew it would be harder than before when I was in my young 20's having babies. I let the pregnancy be my new excuse for eating what I craved. Can I get an AMEN out there? :)

So, what happened? I found myself over 200 pounds. 

Yes I was prego, but that was a scary number to me. A weight that I never wanted to see. Then Levi was born! I swore that he was going to be like a 10 pound baby. Nope! He was 7 pounds. Then I thought that I would lose all of the major baby weight because he was nursing every hour on the hour. I lost about 12 pounds, but then NOTHING!!!!

Why am I telling you all of this? Because it took me 1 1/2 years to realize that I needed a change in my lifestyle. I don't want others to wait SO LONG before making a healthy change. The older we get it seems so much harder. 

So, today I'm asking you.... Do you have 30 minutes a day that you could commit to a set workout. You don't have to leave your home. You don't have to drive anywhere and waste time and gas. I have a program that you can do in your pjs if you want!

Let me tell you about it....

  • 30 minutes a day for 3 weeks
  • Nutrition plan with portion control colored cups that explain what foods you eat and when
  • Super nutritious shake with all your vital nutrients to boost your energy naturally and curb your cravings.
  • A personal health coach to motivate and keep you accountable to your goals
  • Learn to eliminate bad habits and foods
  • Great results whether you want to lose weight, tone up, or just be healthier 

This workout program is called 21 DAY FIX! Simple Simple Simple.....

Now, here's your challenge. Instead of dwelling on this for too long and talking yourself out of it.... It's time to make a change NOW! I was there! I was skeptical! BUT.... I had awesome results! 21 inches lost overall and I'm down a total of 31 pounds since started Beachbody programs last year. 

My next group starts next week! I want to show YOU that it is possible! Sign ups are from today until Wednesday night. You deserve this! Your body deserves better! Contact me today @ ashleycrew7@gmail.com and let's save your spot!

Friday, September 5, 2014

5 Minute Homemade Salsa

Ok friends! I don't know about your family, but mine can eat through a jar of salsa at one dinner. They LOVE it and it's not always cheap. On top of that, the jarred salsas can come with so many artificial ingredients. So.... this week I was given a large amount of fresh garden tomatoes (thank you to whoever gave them to my hubby) and I wanted to make my first ever salsa. 

I asked friends to send me the recipes of their favorites and then I finally just decided to make it to my own liking which is pretty much how I cook every meal. I don't measure. I don't follow directions. I simply cook by taste.

So, here is what I came up with and I LOVE it!

Using a food processor.....

Fill food processor with as many tomatoes as you can fit without squeezing
Add 2-3 Vidalia Onions
1 large handful of fresh cilantro
2 jalapenos with seeds out
3 Tablespoons minced garlic
a few short squeezes of lime juice
salt and pepper to taste

Pulse about 7 times until large chunks are gone. 

Yep! That's it! So stinkin' easy right?! Wait til you taste it! It's not the thick chunky salsa you get in the store, but rather more like a restaurant style. Don't expect it be around long! If you want more of a kick to it you can add another jalapeno or a touch of vinegar. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Beachbody Coaching.... Building Family Security While At Home!

I'm finalizing my New Coach Training spots and am so excited to be adding new women who are so ready to start something different!

I am looking for people like me.. You may be struggling with financial stress, job insecurity, physical stress...

Beachbody Coaching has provided so much opportunity for my family.
I quit my job last month and am able to stay home full time.
We have paid off over $15,000 in debt.
I am able to fulfill my long time dream of being home with my kids and take better care of my family.
I am a part of a positive community that encourages me to be a better person and helps drive my business forward.
We have the ability to dream BIGGER for our desire to support missions and increase church giving.
We get to watch the Lord work I this business and are anticipating great things for the future.
 THAT is who I am looking for.

You might be someone who just wants to earn an extra $500/mth to help with bills, vacation savings, Christmas presents, church giving OR you may be the type who is ready to start your own 6 figure income business! Whatever your desire..... this can fit right in!

 My goal is to help ten more coaches this month. I want to invite you to be a part of my next NEW Coach Training group .... my FIRST group to use this incredible NEW training!!!!

 I feel strongly about mentoring women ONE on ONE and know that there are some who are ready for such a time as NOW!

 We are in the top 200 of the entire network - out of about 190,000 teams represented and by the end of this year will be in the top 100!

 I am 100% confident that I can teach you how to build your OWN thriving business... I can teach you how to build security for YOUR family... from your home.

 You will be held accountable & given the support you need to live a healthier and happier life! September is the perfect month to jump in and get going!

 So... if you are ready to get this ball rolling & want to be considered for one of the  spots left for this September training.... apply HERE!


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Dinner on a Budget - Garden Veggies and Chicken

So today I got to hang out with my friend, Tanya. She LOVES to garden to say the least and she had me over to her house and shared some yummy veggies! Of course, by the time I came home I had a hungry tribe to feed. My hubby had already grilled an entire pack of chicken earlier for lunch so I decided to use it along with the veggies.

Here is the creation I came up with tonight!

2 T Olive oil
Cut the grilled chicken in chunks
Zucchini (1 large) cut in cubes
1/2 head of cabbage cut
2 Vidalia onions sliced
1 T brown sugar
2 T Annie Chun's Korean Sweet and Spicy sauce
Just a touch of salt and pepper

Throw everything in the wok and cook til the veggies are tender.

Since our home is for sale this year we didn't have a garden. I'm so glad to have a friend who shares the yumminess of hers! :)

Friday, August 22, 2014

Quinoa Pizza Crust - Gluten Free "Clean" Eating

Hey friends! So you know I tried the cauliflower pizza, but I'm trying this one next! Check this out and try it at home!

Check it out at http://thewholesomedish.com/quinoa-crust-pizza-cheesy-garlic-bread/

  • ½ cup quinoa
  • 3 tsp. olive oil, divided
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 ½ tsp. garlic salt
  • ½ tsp. dried oregano leaves
  • ½ tsp. dried basil leaves
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • ¼ cup shredded Italian-blend cheese (pizza-blend or mozzarella would be good too)
  • Optional - For cheesy garlic bread: ½ cup shredded Italian-blend cheese and pizza sauce for dipping
  • Optional - For pizza: ⅓ cup pizza sauce, ½ cup shredded Italian-blend cheese, and your favorite pizza toppings
  1. Place the uncooked quinoa into a fine mesh strainer and run under cool water for about a minute until water runs clear. Shake off as much excess liquid as possible. Add the rinsed quinoa and 2 tsp. olive oil to a medium sauce pot. Turn the heat to medium high and stir occasionally for 6-7 minutes. The excess moisture will evaporate and the quinoa will begin to toast.
  2. Carefully add the water to the toasted quinoa and cover. Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Let the quinoa cook for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove the lid and turn the heat to low. Cook 5 more minutes, stirring occasionally (evaporating excess moisture). Transfer the cooked quinoa to a large bowl and let it cool for at least 10 minutes.
  3. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spray with cooking spray.
  4. In a small bowl, add the eggs, 1 tsp. olive oil, garlic salt, oregano, basil, and baking powder. Whisk until well combined.
  5. Add the cheese to the quinoa. Stir to combine. Add the egg mixture to the quinoa. Stir until well combined.
  6. Spread the quinoa dough into a ¼ inch, even layer on the parchment paper. I made cheesy bread sticks so I made a 10 x 7 inch rectangle. Bake for 18-20 minutes, edges should begin to brown.
  7. Top with the pizza, or garlic bread, toppings and return to the oven for 5 minutes.
  8. Let the pizza, or garlic bread, cool for 5 minutes before slicing.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Clean Lunch Ideas For On-The-Go

Ok..... so admit it! It's a pain in the butt to prepare a lunch sometimes, so you simply pull through the drive thru for a quick bite to eat. What I want to help people with is not only healthier food choices, but your BUDGET as well!

So often friends tell me "I can't afford this", but yet buy their lunches and snacks every day without even thinking about it. Why? Convenience! If we do a little bit of prep work, then it is very possible and you will be amazed at how your bank account will PROVE it to you! :)

I put together some of my favorite quick fix lunch ideas for you and I want to share them. They are all "clean" so you don't have to worry about eating them if you are watching preservatives, additives, etc.. I'd love to hear your feedback on these and I would love it if you shared of few of your own ideas with us here on the blog. Feel free to comment below.

Tuna Salad
1 can tuna
1 slice of onion chopped
Romaine lettuce

Turkey Chili
Ground turkey 1 packet
1 large can tomato sauce
2 cans black beans (low sodium) DO NOT DRAIN
Fresh salsa
1 packet McCormick Chili Seasoning

Chicken salad
Grilled chicken cubed
bacon crumbled (real bacon)
olive oil
salt/pepper to taste

Hummus Chicken Lettuce Wraps
Romaine leaves
Grilled chicken
Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

Spread hummus on a full leaf of lettuce. Top with chicken and roll up.

Pork n' Beans with Rice
Grilled pork chops
Pinto beans
Brown rice

Ok so you probably see a pattern with my meat right? Well, what's easier than to buy a full back of meat and grill it for the week? It really doesn't take that long. If you don't have a grill then prepare it in the oven. Simplicity is the key to success. Don't overthink it.

Pick out foods you LOVE and make it work. If you don't know how to make a healthy version of the foods you like then message me! I'd love to help! Have an awesome day!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Craving Mexican Food? You've GOT to try this!

Ok.... so I LOVE food! No wonder it's been a hardship for me the majority of my life. However, now I'm dedicated to eating yummy foods that are actually BETTER for me!

This recipe caught my eye because I love Mexican food!

Try this one out and let me know what you think! I will be revamping my meal plans and shopping guides and will make sure some of these new ones are on the list.

Mexican Quinoa Dish

  • ½ cup quinoa
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • ¼ cup white onion, diced
  • 1 cup reduced sodium chicken broth
  • ½ tsp ground cumin
  • ¼ tsp kosher salt
  • ¼ tsp ground black pepper
  • 2 tbsp tomato sauce
  • 1 Large can black beans
  • Top with 1 large avocado, diced
    Homemade Pico de Gallo
    • ½ cup tomatoes, diced
    • ¼ cup white onion, diced
    • 1 small jalapeño, finely diced
    • ½ cup fresh cilantro, chopped
    • ½ small lime, juiced
    1. In a large sauce pan heat 1 teaspoon of olive oil over medium heat.
    2. Sauté quinoa, onion, and garlic until garlic is fragrant.
    3. Slowly add broth and stir.
    4. Add cumin, salt, and pepper. Stir in 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce.
    5. Bring to a low boil, cover and reduce heat to low.
    6. Simmer for 15 minutes.
    7. Add black beans to sauce pan, gently stir to combine.
    8. Cover and let stand for 5 minutes.
    9. Serve with diced avocado and pico de gallo.

    Wednesday, August 13, 2014


    Hey friends! It's been a while! :)

    I've been crazy with my husband in the hospital, but I am SUPER excited to share something with you today.....

    I am going to be doing most of my CLEAN EATING and MEAL PLANNING/PREP right here on my blog!

    I've had so many requests for healthy recipes, sharing my weekly meal plans and grocery lists, and just overall tips and tools to stick with the changes in eating.

    I LOVE helping people and watching them reach their personal goals. It's not all about weight loss. It's about having a better QUALITY of life! I'm a nurse and have been for almost 14 years. I see first hand what food can do to us as we age. It's all about the choices we make.

    Sure! There are some things we just can't help like cancer or genetics. BUT..... we can make a healthy change and also teach our families the same!

    So...... make sure that you are adding me to your circles on your gmail accounts that way you can get these post automatically. Otherwise, you can comment below with your email and I can add you to my email list.

    I will also be sending out a monthly newsletter with fitness tips, nutrition tips, motivation, updates on my accountability groups and more!

    Can't wait to share with you!

    Monday, July 14, 2014

    Fast Food Frenzy

    We say it all of the time. Quit eating through the drive thru! The problem with that is that some people will ALWAYS drive thru and pick up something for many reasons. Convenience. Time. You can talk until you are blue in the face about eating clean or organic foods, non packaged or processed, but you also have to be real with people. Sometimes drastic steps don't work. People will fall off the horse too fast and never try again!

    I'm saying all of this to say HEY! I'll give you the run down with fast food and give you the healthier choices to make there!

    So, if you are going through the drive thru..... then you need to read up on my little research :)

    Ok, I'll lay it out for you very simply. Here are some local fast food joints and the BEST options on the menu.


    Have you ever seen their chicken bites? Ok well, if you MUST go through Bojangles get the chicken bite lunch with pintos! Only 300 calories!

    Do NOT eat the fries! 1000-1100 calories!

    If you drink a bottle of water instead of a sweet tea you will be doing even better



    Chicken minis for breakfast - 260 calories

    A Chick-fil-A Chargrilled Chicken Sandwich  with a fruit cup has 400 calories...

    The key is to not put any additional condiments on it unless it is mustard (not honey mustard)



    Bakes potato with chili on top is 460 calories



    1 piece of grilled chicken with mashed potatoes and corn on the cob 430 calories



    Southwest salad (no dressing) with a yogurt parfait - 480 calories


    So, the next time you feel you just HAVE to drive through somewhere... make a conscious effort to pick something that is actually healthier than the typical hamburger with large sides and a soda... Your body will thank you!

    These small changes WILL make a difference. Then when you start adding physical activity (where you actually sweat) and are cutting out unhealthy choices for healthier ones.... you will see a change!

    Tuesday, May 27, 2014

    Is Shakeology a Scam?

    With all kinds of weight loss trends out there... this is a legit question on everyone's mind. I've had so many people say "I'm not a shake person" or "I want to lose weight the healthy way". Well, I do too! I'm not into pills or unhealthy habits helping people drop weight way too fast! I am all about healthy ways to lose weight and keep it maintained. I don't expect to lose weight and work my butt off only to gain it all back a few months or a year later!

    So, what's this Shakeology stuff? How can it work for me?

    Shakeology is an ALL NATURAL shake made from whole foods, vitamins, minerals, probiotics and prebiotics, fiber, and digestive enzymes. There is not one ingredient that is artificial. It is used by many for weight loss, BUT this is also used as a healthy supplement or vitamin. This is safe for pregnancy, nursing, people with chronic illness and children (my kids love it)! For weight loss, this is used as a meal replacement once a day. Then you follow up with healthy foods for your other meals. As a supplement, my customers drink as a snack. One shake contains over $41 worth of fruits and veggies. It contains over 70!!!!! ingredients.

    There are so many shakes out there, but the difference is in the label and in the changes you see once you start them. What did I notice? Within the first week, I noticed increased energy, more restful sleep, skin cleared up, nail and hair growth, and weight loss.

    What's the cost? For $4 per day, you can choose to buy that cup of coffee out or have an entire meal! You can even get it cheaper if you decide you want to stay on it long term! I was so skeptical as well when I got started. But, almost 30 pounds less now I am so happy I made this choice! I'd love to show you how to get started. When paired with a workout program you will see even better results! Contact me today or check it out on my website www.samaraashley.com

    Friday, May 16, 2014

    Who Needs Crystal Light When You Have Infused Water!!!!?!?!?!

    Now I know ALL TOO WELL how addictive Crystal Light is. If you were to have asked me last year if I drank a lot of water I would have said YES!!! Of course!!! After all, I drank bottles of water but they were all filled with a packet of CRYSTAL LIGHT! haha Yes, you know exactly what I mean. I ask people all of the time "how much water do you drink?" They reply "oh lots", but then when you dig deeper it is sweet tea, coffee, lemonade, etc... They all say "well, it is made with water"

    This is the same mindset I had. Until I broke that habit, I did not lose weight. I swear that artificial sweeteners make you fat and help store the fat. Once I started drinking REAL WATER then I started to lose. So, how can we make water with a little flavor at home? There are a ton of great infused water ideas on Pinterest, but I'm just going to share how I made mine today. My 2 year old helped me and had a great time doing it. As you can see in this video....


    Here is my personal recipe:
    1 pitcher of distilled water
    1 handful of mint leaves
    4 long squirts of lime juice
    1 large orange sliced
    Stevia, optional
    Believe me, you will not need crystal light once you have had this! The only problem is everyone will want to steal it from you! Don't be surprised if you open the frig and there isn't any left. :) Try it and let me know what you think! By the way, I had this mint in my garden. It comes back every year even after the snow. If not contained it will take over your garden! I've got a ton! 

    Monday, May 12, 2014

    Bombed it!

    Ok! I tried it and bombed it! I was so excited and prepared for this detox! Got all my groceries etc... and started Day 1 as planned. Then, after the first day realized I had an allergy to one of the supplements. Not a fun way to realize it's not for you! haha So basically, I'm here now to say I had to stop it. It was the most important supplement as well because the entire purpose is to get to a healthy pH balance and it was the alkalinity packet. Didn't feel like it would work as well without so I'm going to have to find something else to do.

    So, now for fun I'm checking out some new workout programs to get me going again! I'm sooooo close to my goal I can feel it! Have you ever felt that way? You are just a few steps from finishing strong and something goes wrong?! Well, I'm not going to let it get me down. I'm motivated more now than ever and love how I'm feeling. I'd love for you to join my next accountability group. Together we can push to our goals and help keep each other in check! Sound like something you want? Comment below and I'll get in touch with you or visit my website at www.samaraashley.com and go to the CONTACT ME section! Can't wait to get you started!

    Wednesday, May 7, 2014

    Let The Shopping Begin!

    YEA! I got to Earth Fare today in Boone for a little shopping for the Ultimate Reset. Of course, half the stuff I was buying I had no idea what it even was! haha There I was standing in the middle of the store wondering what MISO paste was. I figured maybe it was a tofu or something but really had no clue! So, the always nice helpers in the store led me to the refrigerated section where I found it.

    Not sure how it will be, but everyone says it makes some yummy soup! We shall see! I was able to find some other things I needed while I was there including:

    Nori Seaweed
    Sushi Rice
    Miso Soup
    Miso Paste
    Organic Coconut Oil (which I used this morning for the first oil pulling ever!!!)

    Most of everything else I can just get at my local farmer's market and grocery stores. Unfortunately, when you live in the mountains you don't have the health food stores close by. So, now I'm reading down the list of foods I will make. Here are some ones that I think I'll really make more of the next 3 weeks:

    Steel cut oats and berries
    Fresh fruit platter
    Eggs and Toast

    Grilled chicken salad
    Miso soup
    Moroccan Carrot Salad
    Spinach salad

    Baked sweet potato
    Garlic veggies
    Edamame and Roasted Cor Succotash
    Pintos and Rice
    Roasted Beets

    Chia seed pudding
    Fresh berries

    I think this whole thing just makes me so interested in it even more the more I read. This week I'm celebrating being down another pound to 168 and haven't even started the reset yet! Once this asthma clears I'll be ready to go. They don't want you to be on medication while detoxing unless it's for daily use. Any questions so far????

    Monday, May 5, 2014


    Well, of course when it rains it pours right?! This weekend was wide open with my little guy's 2nd birthday party and then BAM! I got some horrible bug. Now, down and out. Chills, fever, body ache, horrible cough, and feeling like I'm having asthma. So..... needless to say the detox won't start until I feel somewhat more human. But, since we are talking about the reset... has anyone ever tried Tempeh? Supposedly it is a soy product? Is it like Tofu? Well, that is one of the dishes that is in this book, but I don't think I will be eating it.

    I've been trying some of the foods out and I must say that when you start eating more organic foods you won't really want the other stuff. I'm just going to take it a day at a time until I feel better than I will be so much more ready to start! This weekend with the birthday party I had some cake (which I don't usually even like cake) and just felt overall yuck after the day was over.

    I'm ready for this big change. I think it will benefit both my husband and I for the long haul! Here's to better health in 2014!